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"We love what you've done with the place," Reggie smiles toward Julie and I.

"Ha, that's me ripping off the bandaid," Julie forces a laugh.

"That's my brave girl," Tia says, hugging Julie. I can see Julie shoot the boys an evil look.

"I think that's our cue to leave," Alex says, pulling Luke's shoulder when he tries to go upstairs.

"Oh, Julie," Tia says. "Now that you are cleaning out mom's studio, you can finally sell all those old instruments. Now that you aren't in the music program, you can focus on classes that really matter."

Dad gave Julie an overly composed look before Tia put her hand to her mouth, "You got the email from the school, didn't you?"

"Yes, I did," Dad lied. "We're still discussing it."

"You shouldnt be here," I say to the boys, wide-eyed.

"Oh, I'm just trying to help, sweetheart," Tia looks across the table at me.

"I mean, you should be at Pilaties," I smile wide. "Thank you for the food!"

"Of course," she leans down and kisses Julie's forehead.

"We should've called first," Reggie says. "We'll come back another time."

The boys jump through the door again and leave the five of us alone. Tia kisses her palm and blows it towards Carlos. He pretends to hit it with a baseball bat and watch it fly away.

"And its outta here," he jokes.

Tia laughs and shakes her head. She winks at before walking back toward the door. "Well, I am off to Pilates! I love you."

"So, Julie," Carlos quickly says. "Do you wanna here how I slid into home and was almost safe?"

"You're a good brother, but that won't work," Dad says, snapping his fingers and pointing toward the living room.

"I tried," Carlos says, getting up and going to his room.

"I'll make myself vanish," I press my lips into a line and go to mine and Julie's room.

After a few minutes, I can hear rock music blaring from outside. I run down the stairs and look at Dad and Julie.

"I must have left the stereo on," Julie lies.

"I got it," I rush out the door and run to the garage. Alex, Luke, and Reggie are all playing when I open the door. "Guys!"

They continue to play and I scream again. They finally stop and give me an awkward look.

"You can hear us?" Luke asks, pulling his guitar strap off his shoulder.

"Yes! So can the whole neighborhood, and Julie, and my dad, and my brother!" I shout.

"Wait, people can actually hear us play?" Luke laughs. "Boys, people can hear us! Do you know what this means?"

"It means that you can't be playing when you're out here by yourselves," Julie says from the doorway. "It's freaky."

"Hey girls."

"Dad! Hi," I force a smile.

"Just making sure everything is alright," he says.

"Yeah, I just had to turn the stereo off," I nod.

"We were just coming back inside," Julie laughs, pushing me toward the door.

"Is that the junk from the loft?" Dad asked, pointing toward the band.

"Junk?" Luke snaps.

"Yeah, pretty cool," I laugh. "Let's go."

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