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She cried. She was all alone. No parents, no friends, no people that cared that she was gone. She couldn't take her mind off this thought

Would anyone miss me if I was gone?

She didn't want to answer the question. If she did, she didn't want to know where her thoughts would lead her, but her mind answered it without her consent. She fell to her knees, thinking the answer over and over again, seeming unable to wrap her mind around it.


Nobody cared. Nobody would. Everyone at her school had their 2-3 friends around them. Everybody but her. She didn't make it in time. All the people were taken to be friends with, and everyone shut her off.

With dull eyes, she went to grab a knife. It was one of those knifes you would see in the horror movies, a chef knife. She slowly moved it down her arm five times, and five cuts appeared. Pain was the only thing she felt, as blood dropped down her arm. She could only hear one word that echoed throughout her mind.


She slowly slid the knife up to her throat. All that was going through her mind was 'All I am is a waste of space. A piece of trash. A lowly little girl.' She slowly slid the knife across her throat, drawing huge amounts of blood. She was hit by the blood loss, and laid down, slowly becoming drenched in her own pool of blood.


The authorities arrived after a week, she hadn't gone to school the entire week, and they were forced to check it out. The police officer knocked on the door, but didn't get any sort of response. He knocked louder, but not even a angry "I'm coming!" Was being heard from anywhere. He knocked louder, but that was as loud as he could go without actually breaking in the place. After awhile, he resorted to the last straw, going in. He placed his hand on the doorknob, and turned, surprised to see it was open. He opened the door and walked in. It smelled like something was rotting, so he decided to check it out. He walked into a kitchen, only to wish he wasn't the officer on this case. What he was a little girl, with six cuts on her, surrounded in a brownish-reddish substance. Dried blood. He blinked and stood there for about five seconds before letting out a ear-splitting, horrified scream. He ran from the house immediately to the car, and reported why the little girl wasn't at school.

She was dead.


Her ghost watched her funeral with pity. Almost nobody showed up, but then school ended. Her teacher walked up to her grave and placed a rose on it, while half the kids of the class were there. Most of them had probably been forced, but most of them genuinely had tears in their eyes. 'It would've been nice to have you care before I left the living' she thought coldly, glaring at all of them. A boy who always bullied her, with bleached blonde hair and green eye, who had probably been forced to come, said loudly, so the whole class could hear, but quietly enough for the teacher who was paying his respects "She was a weakling anyway, nobody liked her. I'm glad she's gone! She was just a waste of space!" And grinned proudly, like it was a good thing to say. Most of the kids glared at him, some agreed though, which broke her heart. She thought some people actually cared, but she was wrong. One girl though, tall and skinny with glasses with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes, walked over to her, and looked at her, seemingly seeing her and said "I liked her. I thought of her as a friend, even though we weren't the closest. I couldn't tell she had a mask of happiness on, so I'm not sure if I have the right to stand at her grave and cry. I couldn't tell she was going through so much pain, so I'm not sure if I have the honor call her my friend." And looked back at the grave, giving it a sad smile. The ghost just thought "This girl... Was my friend. My one true friend, and I made her sad. I shouldn't have made her sad." And passed on, not being angry enough with the world anymore to hold onto it.


There is a moral to this story, and I want you to keep it in your hearts forever.
Even if you don't know, there is always someone there for you, even if you can't see it.

I support all of you, so I would be there for you. If you ever think these things, think logically and thoroughly, don't be brash.

I love you all, so please don't leave.

Stay happy


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