The Devil is a Woman

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He was with her again.

That she-devil.

All she wanted was for her to go away.

But then he fell in love.

She hated her.

She hated her so much.

He loved her.

She wanted to yell at her, scream. Cry. Bawl. Punch. Murder.

Instead, she smiled.

They never connected like he wanteds them to.

He was always so confused why.

She wanted to tell him, but he was going to propose to her.

And he 'loved' her.

So she sat in my room, writing in her journal. She was also crying her eyes out silently, but that was a normal. She was so sick of it. This is what he said to her:

"You two can't connect. You need to take the next step, be the bigger person-" even though she was literally the smaller person "-and try to connect with her. Please just try, okay?"

It was really difficult not to tell him then, but her fear took ahold of her. She was already too far in now, and she couldn't go back.

So she just nodded and headed up to her room.

Then he left to be with her again, and she wrote it down whilst bawling. A thought hit her hard that she couldn't drive out of her mind.



No. No, no, no. Suicide was not the answer.

All it would do was make people sad.

But, she wouldn't have to choose between her happiness, and the truth, or her fathers happiness.

What originally kept her alive was her father after all.

It would make things so much easier though. No more lying to her dad, no more friendless-ness, no more her.

But, it was also a cowards way out. Her dad would be so sad.

But then again...

He might break up with her.

If anything, he will cling tighter to her for support.

That was good.

Instead of being stressed like he was now, he could be happy.

With that in mind, she walked out of her room, going for the cabinet.

What was in the cabinet you ask?


With pills in them.

She opened the cabinet, then grabbed a couple bottles of her mothers old pills.

Her mom wouldn't need them anymore. She was already gone.

Maybe that's why she hated her so much.

That's not the matter at hand now though.

What matters is how many antibiotics she needed to be relieved of making decisions.

She flipped open her phone, then froze.

Her grandma had texted her.

She warily opened to text, and froze again.

On the screen said "I hope to see you tomorrow! Love you! 😘"

Her face grew grim, and tears welled up in her eyes, a couple falling over before she wiped them away.

She shook her head, grandma had other grandchildren, she didn't need her.

With that thought, she unscrewed the lid from the bottle,

And one by one, all of the pills made their way down her throat.

At first, the world span. Not wanting to fall down, she sat down.

Then, fogginess invaded her brain.

It was like she was tired, or she just woke up.

Her muscles strained to keep her up anymore, so she laid down.

She felt really tired, and didn't resist the sleep that washed over her.

With a last beat of the heart, it stopped completely.

She was dead.

A hour later, a scream could be heard from that house, a couple of words consisting of "Wake up." And "Please be a joke." Lasted for at least a minute, until uncontrollable sobbing took its place.

His baby girl was gone.

And there was a piece of paper she left for him:

"Dad, I'm sorry, but I can't take it anymore. I can't sacrifice my happiness for yours anymore. I love you."

One last sentence was on the paper.

"But your girlfriend, she is the devil."

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