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Alright, you know the routine, my persnickety rules that nobody likes.


1) I WILL NOT be copied. I will comment on your story that it hath been ripped from Wolfie's roleplays and I expect an APOLOGY! If you were inspired and it's SIMILAR, it's okay. Ask to copy it, I'll say yes as long as I am given credit.

2) Same sex couples are OKAY!! These is NOTHING wrong with loving who you want! Don't like it? Get out.

3) If you read these, what two letters are in the middle of my username?

4) YES, roleplays die. Stay active, unless nobody else is on ever.

5) *dips head* Greetings, *says* PLEASE, no. This: "Ah, you," I grumbled and looked away from the annoying fly-like child. "Go away." OR "Ah, you," He grumbled and looked away from the annoying fly-like child. "Go away

6) You will show respect for others and stop if they ask. No bullying.

7) I've noticed it's just Roleplayers find one or two people they mainly work with in the Roleplay, but can we try to be a community? Leave no roleplayer behind.

8) There will be no sex in this Roleplay. Don't be an internet perv.

9) Damn, Hell, Crap, Freaking. Those are the only cusses I allow.

10) I know you people put the "three strikes you're out" thing in their rules, but I'm not like that. There will be NO warnings in this Roleplay, I expect you to know the rules.

11) Have fun and remember, I can delete your comments.

But I also have a few rules for this Roleplay.

1) Dragons, you can't be too easy to train. Put up a fight for your freedom!
2) Also, not everyone can be dragons. Sorry!
3) I want to see dragons fighting. No draconian relationships (unless tamed)

World of Dragons: Battle of the Hoard (Dragon Roleplay)Where stories live. Discover now