Let's Go Talk To Will

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A/N: Hello everyone!! Im not dead!! Sorry its taken so long to update. Life just decided to bend me over its knee and slap my ass until I thought I was gonna die. Weird analogy, but its accurate. I hope you all have been doing well! I know I've said it about a million times, but I really am trying to update more. And if you're wondering when the end is gonna be.. me too haha, but no it'll be soon so just hang in there!
Love you all!!

"How much longer do you have to babysit me?" Leo asked one day. 

     Things have been going smoothly for awhile, there were no big fights, Leo was recovering and talking to Percy for "therapy," so now he should be fine, right?

     "I'm not sure really. It doesn't seem like it's been that long," Jason spoke slowly. Something in him was hesitant to give Leo up. As if a part of him was fulfilled in having the other close to him. But if Leo was all better, it would be selfish to keep him from being his own person.

     "Let's go talk to Will."

     Just as the two were heading to the door, who should walk in but the devil himself, along with his boyfriend of darkness. There was a brief exchange of greetings before Will tried to launch into the reason of being there. However, Jason chose this same time to talk which led to an awkward jumble of words and the two boys who hadn't spoken to each give the other a look.

     "Sorry, you can go first," Jason said

     "No, please, you go," Will responded.

     "No, I insist." 

     "No, please."

    Leo groaned and cut in, "How much longer until I can do projects?"

    Both blonde's seemed sheepish about their exchange, but Will was the first to recover.

     "You only have three more days left, but you have been doing really well so I think we can let you start on a few small projects just to ease you into it."

    A smile spread over Leo's face at the news and he gave a small cheer. 

    Jason however had a different reaction. Once he heard the news, he shifted away so no one could see how his face had fallen. Of course, he really was happy for Leo! But this meant that they wouldn't see eachother as much. What if Leo's feelings changed-

    'Wait. Feelings changed? What feelings?'

    'Oh! I just mean feelings of wanting to hang out together. Bro feelings.'

    'Yeah, totally!!'

    'Not that it would be bad if there were actual feelings. If Leo really liked me that would be-'

    'Wait. No!'

    'No, but-'


    A small tug on his shirt sent the lost blonde reeling backwards. Trying to cover up his surprise and evident blush, he looked away and came up with an excuse.

   Leo didn't care for an excuse and it was quickly dismissed as he gave another tug on the shirt.

  "Do you want to get some food?"

   Jason only had to think for a few moments before agreeing. What he didn't expect was that Nico and Will would be accompanying them. He didn't mind that, but he was slightly irked that Leo took to chatting with Nico instead of him. This left Will and Jason to walk in an awkward silence.

   "So uh you and Nico get along?" Jason asked. He had no clue why he would ask that and the moment he saw the face Will made he regretted speaking.

   "I guess you could say that. We are dating after all." His response was measured but the intent was obvious. He was making sure Jason clearly understood they were dating while at the same time, warning that if there was a problem with them being two boys, Will would not hesitate to fight.

   Jason caught onto the warning and immediately worked to smooth things over. "I know that! There's nothing wrong with that! I was just asking if you guys were still going strong! I haven't seen you both in a while."

   Will looked a bit skeptical, but didn't press it any further. It was true that they hadn't seen each other for awhile. Nico had been really embarrassed since the time that they got caught together and had tried avoiding the others like the plague. It took a bit of convincing and a lot of "they probably don't even remember it" to finally get him out.

    "Yeah, well, you and Leo are getting along pretty well too."

    Jason nearly choked. "W-we aren't dating!" He just about shouted causing Leo and Nico to look back, curious at the conversation. Nico's eyes met Wills and they shared a look before he pulled Leo back into their previous conversation.

   Will was obviously not taken with the answer, but didnt press any farther. "You'd be cute together. But if you say so."

    After that, Jason didn't dare try to start a conversation again.


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