Soft side

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- 2 : 4 5  10/03/20 -

Y/n's POV:

I was having a boring day. Sitting, eating, and watching random satisfying compilations in youtube trying to feed my boredom. It's been months since i started talking to Levi, we got closer! And i got comfortable. But i still know there's some sides of him that i haven't seen yet. But i'm glad i've seen the important side of him. The side of him that he tried to hide to everyone, his weak side. I'm excited to know him more if he gets comfortable since we're now friends.

I was just observing the clip that was being shown in the video when suddenly I received a call

         |                                            |
         |                L e v i 🥶              |
         |                                            |
         |         Decline     Accept         |              
         |            🔴           🟢             |

"Huh?" I stared at the screen for a good 2 seconds as i was beyond confused. We never called each other after the embarrassing first call we had, and i think Levi isn't the type to call people either.

I exhaled as i slowly accepted the call.

My eyebrows raised as i met the brown wooden ceiling. I didn't hear any noise at first, but i can hear my loud ass thoughts.

"..Levi?" I called out

I was expecting to hear Levi's voice saying he accidentally called me, but i was shock when i saw a baby smiling at the screen

"Holy sh-" i covered my mouth, sheesh! I almost cussed infront of a child!

"Hello" i said as the little girl just smiled.
Levi.. what the fuck?

The baby then started saying gibberish words. I assume the kid can't speak yet. But i was mesmerized by the little girl's gray eyes. She has the same eye color as Levi!... is this Levi's child?

What do i say... can she understand...words?

"Are you with someone?"

... silence

"Right.. "


"Is Levi there?" Why did i even ask..

"Levie" the little kid said, a small chuckle left my mouth as I realized she also doesn't know how to pronounce Levi's name

"No little girl, it's LeeVay" i said as she tried pronouncing his name again yet failed

After a few tries, she finally managed to say it right! That's good

She once again started saying something in baby language which i can't understand. Fuck

"Uh.. i'll just assume you're asking for my name"

"My name is Y/n! Y/n" i repeated my name as i tried to let her pronounce it


"WOW! Nice! You pronounced it right buddy!" I smiled as the baby laughed

She then started shouting my name proudly. It was quite funny to be honest. I probably did something dumb when i was a baby too, i mean we all do.

"Y/n!" She shouted again and laughed after

"How about you? What's your name?" I asked


"No, that's my name!"


"I'm asking for yours"

"Y/n!" The little girl answered, i can only sigh as i stared at the screen. Where is Levi anyways?

The kid didn't stop saying my name and i just tried to think what her name could possibly be.

Maria? Sasha? Uh... Leonardo?

My thoughts were cut off when i heard the kid laughed loudly

"OI LIA!" Levi?!

The little girl which i think her name is Lia, hid the phone as i can hear Levi talking to her

"What are you doing? I thought you were watching some stupid kid videos?" Why is he even saying the word "stupid" infront of a child?!

"Y/n!" Lia said. Shit!

"What?" Levi asked in shock

"Y/n!!" The kid shouted once again. Oh no

The phone was then grabbed by Levi as he was shock to see me in call with Lia

"Sup Levi.." i said

"How did- did she call you?" He asked as he was glaring at the laughing kid

"Yep. Where were you?"

"I was trying to make some food for this brat over here" he then showed Lia who is laughing at the Levi

"Is she your daughter?" I asked curiously

"What the fuck?" He answered as he looked at the screen with his iconic stare

"Ofcourse not! She's just my cousin" he explained

"How am i supposed to know?!" I defended

"Hold on, i'm just going to get her food." He then gave his phone back to Lia as he hurriedly went to his kitchen

"You naughty kid!" I said as Lia smiled

After a few seconds Levi came back with her food and milk. Levi tried to get his phone back but Lia refused.

"No give it back or else my phone will get dirty!" Levi said as Lia started to pout.

Levi then let out a small sigh.

He slowly grabbed the phone and placed it at the coffee table, the camera was showing the two of them sitting at the couch with Lia who is about to cry

"Don't worry Lia! I'm still here!" I said as the girl looked at the screen and her little pout went away.

"See, Y/n is still there. Now eat" Levi then started feeding her niece with the baby food he made, I was seeing the soft side of Levi. Him being kind. It did make me blush. He would be a good dad for sure!

Levi then started doing the iconic airplane spoon trying to make Lia eat the food

"See, the food isn't that bad" Levi smiled.

Levi smiled. Levi smiled. He smiled. He smiled. HE SMILED!

I secretly took a screenshot of him. This is too much to handle. Seeing Levi smiling did melt my heart too much.

I guess i get to see Levi's soft side. And i can't handle it!

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