Chapter Thirty Two

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Nazira, Caspian, and Ayaz...I had no idea who was who. Sable took a step away from me, shrugging out of his cape. "This is Eira Gellert, she's nineteen, ice powers, stubborn, and an insistent pain in my ass."

"I love her already," the girl with the red hair said. Nazira. She was wearing a pink, billowy dress that complimented her dark skin tone, and strappy sandals. Through the slit in her dress, I could see she had a dagger strapped to her thigh. She was naturally the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She was tall, though landed a few inches below me. She had large eyes that were framed with thick lashes, their coloring was like a glowing brown.

"I'm Nazira," she said, coming up to me. She placed an arm around me before squeezing me tight. I froze, my mouth growing dry. I hadn't been hugged in a long, long time. She smelt like strawberries and I was surprised by how hot her skin felt as it brushed against mine.

"Are you sick?" I asked, pulling away from her. I took a step back too, not wanting any more unexpected hugs.

"Sick?" she said, letting out a laugh. "I don't think so, why?"

"'re running a fever," I said.

"Oh...that," she wiggled her brows before lifting a hand. Suddenly, a swirling flame flickered out of her palm and I felt my own ice rise in defense. The flame was a bright orange and I could feel the heat from where I stood. "Fire powers."

"So you two will get along swimmingly," the boy who had winked at me before said.

"Oh shut up," Nazira said, smacking him in the arm. "Our powers don't need to match for us to be besties."

"You've been speaking to the girl for three minutes and you're already besties?" the boy with the ocean eyes asked. He looked to be from the eastern asian continents.. He had tan skin and a crop of black hair so deep it looked almost blue.

"Well I think we're going to be best friends," Nazira said, looking back at me, grinning. Her teeth looked like a row of pearls.

I looked over at Sable for assistance to see he was leaning against one of the pillars, his arms crossed, studying me. He stuck out like a sore thumb in his all-black ensemble, amongst the breezy white curtains and gold accents of the room.

"Eira Gellert, the girl who spat on the king's boots," the winking boy said. "I'm Ayaz, master of wind, and good looks." He winked at me once again and nostalgia filled me.

"You were the one who spat on Gabriels boots?" Nazira asked. She laughed, clapping her hands. "Stories about you were circulating for months. Rumors about the defiant girl with the white hair."

"There have been rumors about me?" I let out a breath. Wonderful. "What did you mean master of wind?" I asked, turning towards Ayaz.

"Sable!" Ayaz said, with a guffaw, turning towards the shadow wielder who now appeared to be cleaning his nails with a dagger. "Have you not told your girl about the most powerful warriors in Hiraeth, yet?"

I said,"I'm not Sable's girl." At the same time Sable said, "She's not my girl, Ayaz." Ayaz grinned at the two of us, sharing a look with Nazira.

"So the two of you have had quite a fun few months haven't you?" Ayaz asked, leaning against a pillar, crossing his arms.

"Ayaz, don't start," Sable growled. It was as if a dark cloud settled over the cadre then, I watched as they all stiffened, their faces growing tense. Nazira's hands clenched at her sides, while Caspian, the ocean eyes boy, flexed the muscles of his arms. "Show her your powers, we've been travelling all day, she needs to sleep."

Forged in Frost and Fire (Book 1 in the Chronicles of Kings trilogy)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt