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Ameen had a love and hate relationship with those cats. He likes them, yes. They're cute, yes. But he absolutely hates it when they wake him up from his precious sleep so early in the morning. It was one of those days again. And he felt that familiar nibbling near his ears, purring for him to wake up.

The black cat looked like he wanted to say, "yo hooman, feed me already. I'm so hungry." With his eyes so close to him, and body comfortably laid beside him, more precisely between him and his wife. The cat continued to stare at him with the same boring look.

"Why don't you wake her up?" "You'll never let me cuddle you, but when you want food you come to me first. Life is so unfair." Throwing the quilt off his body, Ameen stood up lazily. While the excited cat jumped down their bed and walked out, where he knows food will be served.

Ameen sighed but a smile appeared on his face as he took a look at her sleeping figure on his bed. He had to pinch himself to believe this was happening and he's not dreaming. It felt like it though. Every day feels like a freaking dream with her. A very beautiful dream that is.

Mahira looked ravishing, with her hair all over the face and the tired yet content look even while sleeping. She just looked so damn gorgeous that he wanted to go back and do things to her again, his breath hitched as she stirred in her sleep and groaned softly when her hands couldn't find his presence beside her.

He beamed at that sight, as he joined her back on the bed and caressed her cheeks lovingly, "go to sleep, I have to feed Kabir." She named them, yes. And he instantly decided to not let her name their babies ever. No freaking way. Kabir was a good name, Masha Allah. But the white cat's name is what got him the most. It was a cute name too, but everyone has different tastes and Ayla is not something he liked.

"Don't go." She murmured while pulling him close to her and snuggled into him tightly. He kissed her hairline and inhaled her smell. Damn, that intoxicating smell.

"Your boy gets all cranky if we don't feed him. He is so annoying, I'll be back in a moment," Ameen tried to free himself but her grip was stronger as she held onto him possessively. His smile widened at her actions.

God, she was so cute.

"Be back soon." He heard her incoherent voice, with a shake of his head, Ameen detached himself unwillingly and was about to get up. But her wrist caught his hands, "wear a damn shirt before you step out. How many times I have to tell you."

"You're wearing mine, Hira.I am so lazy to go find a new one." He smiled smugly as she woke up with a jerk and gave him a look.

"If that's the case, take it back. I have no issues." His smile vanished and his eyes darkened, "you have nothing beneath that. You sure have no problem?" Leaning close to her, he kissed her near the lips.

Mahira closed her eyes contently and smiled as she felt his stubble tickle against her chin, "its not like you haven't seen me before. I have no issues with you taking it back, but I will definitely have an issue if you step out like this." Her voice was all stern and possessive.

"You know what, our cats are going to hate me so much. But I don't care. I am going to eat you up- His voice was cut off by an annoyed intruder who looked angry, her meows told it all.

"Damn." Ameen whined as the white cotton ball got onto their bed and gave them a look that said, "why am I not fed yet hooman?"

"Ayla, my baby." Mahira petted her dearly while the cat's face softened a bit, but she still had that angry mean look on her face.

"You should feed them, my babies are so hungry. Why didn't you feed them already?"

"Woah, look at you throwing the blame on me. Who was the one suggesting me something else?" Ameen scoffed.

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