07 • You Look Like The Pie Type

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Hi. Just a little update. 

Twitches and spasms are still going on, but I've been really tired lately. It feels like I have to try five times harder to do the things I do. Also I take naps almost everyday from school now, which is pretty lame if you asked me. But my body can't help it.

Oh, by the way, I've told you about Oliver, right? The one with five siblings. And the one who stole my letters. Yeah, that one. He knows.

I didn't want to tell you because I didn't know what you would think. Plus, I was planning to push him away, but that just made him pull harder, I guess.

How have you been doing? Well, scratch that. You wouldn't be able to answer anyway.

I hope you're doing okay.

I hope you're doing okay

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"What's the answer to number three?"

"Sshhh," I hissed.

We were having a practice quiz for physics and it had only been ten minutes since it began. Why did he have to sit beside me? I get that we're friends now, but shouldn't he be keeping like a one-mile radius at all times? Or was it just me?

"Hey," he urged. "In exchange, I'll give you pie."

"Why pie?"

"Because you look like the pie type."

"What's that suppose to — "

"One more word, you two," Miss Stevenson scolded.

Oliver scowled and I smiled in triumph. That will hopefully shut him off.

Apparently not.

"Do you want apple pie or cranberry pie or — "

"Mr. Grant!" Miss Stevenson lashed out. "Out, now. And take your pies with you."

The whole class, upon hearing this, were all wearing bewildered looks. Only a few wore amused expressions. Of course the rest wouldn't get it; they didn't hear me and Oliver's hushed quarrel.

He stood up, getting his bag from the ground with an annoyed look smeared on his face. I knew it was best to stay quiet, but I couldn't help the snicker. Oliver would be out of the class. I would continue my work in peace. The best part was Oliver's face, the look of utter and complete — 

Sincerely, Emily ✓Where stories live. Discover now