Shock Stream(Dream)

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Thank you to @darlingwastaken and @dreamteamlmanbergfan for inspiring me to write a Dream imagine. I was randomly thinking about the shock streams George and Dream did, soooo here we go! If this sucks, oh well. If not, enjoy!

 If not, enjoy!

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"You sure you wanna do this?" I asked, leaning on the back of the chair that Dream was sitting in.

"Hey, George did it," he replied, taking my hand off his chair and intertwining our fingers. "It's only fair that I do it." I sighed quietly and squeezed Dream's hand.

"Well, if you need anything..."

"I'll literally just scream," Dream said. "I'm gonna scream so much I might not be able to speak to you." I giggled and kissed him gently before I left the room.

"I'll be in my office if you need me." He smiled as I closed the door to his room. Dream had a few minutes before he started his stream, so I decided to text George.


U know I hate this idea


What? It was his idea!


Gogy, he's gonna get hurt. Remember how much it hurt when you did the shock stream??


Don't remind me, Y/N 😂

I'm sure he'll be okay with u looking out for him


I guess u have a point

I texted George to tell me if things started going south with the shock stream and he once again promised me that everything would be fine. I put my phone down and sat on the couch, still a little uneasy.


Dream had been on for at least two hours, and by the way he was screaming, he was not having fun. I had peeked into his room a few times, and the one time I noticed he was running away from spiders and mobs on an island. I tried not to laugh at him but I couldn't help myself, and at the same time, I was impressed at how dedicated he was into doing this stream. Still, his screaming made me feel uneasy. All I wanted to go in and just hold his hand, but I didn't want to interfere and wanted to respect his space. Then, as if my mind had been read, the screams stopped, the door to Dream's opened and he walked out wearily. I shot up off the couch and immediately started over to him, but he stopped me.

"I'm fine, Y/N," he said tiredly and I sat down as he slowly walked over and sat down next to me.

"How did it go?" Dream just sighed and chuckled a little, rubbing the arm that had the shock collar on it.

"Way more painful than I expected. George and Sapnap spared no mercy." I smiled and stretched my arms out to him. Dream's face immediately lit up and laid down, wrapping his arms around me and placing his head on my chest. I looked down at him smiling and gently played with his hair. I saw his smile growing wider and kissed the top of his head.

"Clay," I whispered. Dream lifted his head at the sound of his real name, his eyes filled with something I couldn't put my finger on.

"What is it?" I just shook my head and gently kissed him. He smiled into the kiss and wrapped his arms tighter around me.

"You're so perfect," he whispered, and I felt a blush creep across my face.

"Stop, you're flattering me, Clay." Dream looked at me with those eyes again. Jesus, this man always gives me butterflies in my stomach.

"Y/N," he said calmly, with that mysterious look in his eyes. "Why are you using my real name?" I bit my lip, trying to hide a smile.

"I think it's cute, and I don't care what you think." Clay sat up and ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair, just staring at me.

"Clay, stop staring at me, it's scary," I giggled, but he didn't budge. Then, I got a feeling that I did something.

"Clay.." And with that, Clay stood up and picked me up. I screamed for him to put me down, but he just laughed and held onto me. He finally put me down on his bed and flopped down next to me.

"That literally took up all my energy," he muttered and I laughed, wrapping my arms around him.

"Glad you spent it on me." Clay smiled and kissed me sweetly as he cuddled closer to me.

"Goodnight, Y/N." I smiled as he slowly drifted to sleep, his breathing and heartbeat soothing me.

"Goodnight, Dream."

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Anyway, this is trash but hope you liked it. Please give me ideas because I'm hitting writer's block.

Stay poggers, muffinheads!

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