Chapter 19: Finn

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I wear Floyd's charcoal-gray suit to the open house. It's at least two sizes too big on me, and the trousers don't stay up without a belt, but Floyd clapped me on the back and told me I looked like a gentleman. He thinks we're going to a school dance. In the middle of the summer. I can't tell if he believed my lie, or he's cool enough to let it slide -- he did wink at us on our way out the door, which makes me wonder what he thinks we're actually doing at five on a Sunday in fancy clothes.

Ronan adjusts my bow-tie on the attic stairs. "There you go," he says, humor mingling with approval. "Now you look like the perfect prom date."

He's wearing a rented tux, which he claims smells like "cheap cigarettes and cologne". I don't mind the suit. It looks good on him. Natural. I miss the days when I could make fun of him for breaking Lightlake dress code in a Metallica t-shirt, or wearing those stupid khaki pants. I guess I haven't been in the mood for jokes this summer.

Becca joins us on the porch. She smooths down the front of her scalloped blouse, tucked neatly into a pair of sleek burgundy slacks. Her curly hair is twisted into a complicated-looking French braid and her lips are a glossy pink, and I must be staring, because she raises her eyebrows and demands, "Is there something on my face?"

"What? No." I turn to Ronan for help, but he's smirking at his Chucks. "Your face is fine. I'm just surprised Andy let you borrow her clothes."

Becca shrugs. "Yeah, it's no big deal. Who's driving?"

"I can," Ronan offers, a bit too eagerly. "I promise not to crash this time."

"As if. I'm not letting you turn a twenty-minute car ride into License to Drive." Becca glances over at me, and all the thoughts rush from my head. She looks good in those red pants. Really good. "It's your uncle's car. You should drive."

Ah, shit. Of course she had to be polite. I mumble something under my breath, hoping Becca will get the hint and move on.

She doesn't. "What was that?"

"I said, I don't know how to drive!"

Becca frowns at me, like she can't decide if I'm joking or not. Gold eyeliner sparkles at the corners of her dual-colored eyes. "You're seventeen, and you don't have your license?"

"Driving is bad for the environment," I say, my cheeks burning. Ronan bursts into laughter. I try to ignore him. "I prefer to bike."

"Whatever." Becca flings herself into the driver's seat of Floyd's Jeep Wrangler. "You're ridiculous, Fish. Keys."

I toss her the car keys and climb into the back seat, trying my best to let the leather upholstery swallow me whole. Ronan calls shotgun. He spins the dial to the heavy rock station, and we roll out of the driveway in a dust cloud of drums and electric guitar.

Becca grins at me in the rear-view mirror. "Buckle up, kiddo."

She's definitely making fun of me now. But this time, I can't help but grin back.


The open house is in full swing when we arrive. Fancy cars clog the streets as well-dressed men and women flock to the front door, showing off their shiny cuff-links and designer bags. None of them look familiar. Maybe Rachel travels with a fan club.

Above us, an empty church spire rises into the sky, casting shadows across the street. The stained glass windows sparkle like diamonds in the afternoon light.

"Wow," Becca says, blinking into the sun. "You sure this is the right place, Finn?"

"Yeah. This is Bodie House. My mom used to drag me and Sarah here every summer. It's just... not what I remember."

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