Game Time · Pt. 12

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This is the chapter y'all have been waiting for, so it's going to be longer than the rest! Enjoy :)
Hinata's POV
"Are you sure your ok?" Tendou asked me for the 5th time since we woke up.

We were on the bus, on our way, getting ready to play the final match against Karasuno. I was actually feeling more excited than nervous, which was a good thing! I just hope I don't start getting nervous when we actually get there.

"I'm ok! I just hope we beat them" I replied, confident we'll win, but still a bit uneasy. Yesterday was a close call almost running into Kageyama, I'm just glad no one else was near...

When we arrived I rushed ahead to get ready. I wanted to get ready before the others because I had to go meet someone again.

Asahi, Yamaguchi, Yachi, and Kiyoko weren't able to meet me today, but Oikawa texted me saying he wanted to tell me something. So I'm meeting him by the doors once I finish getting ready. Because of many previous encounters, I decided it was best not to meet in the bathroom.

"Shoyo, where are you going?" Ushijima asked as I started walking away from the team. This caught Tendous attention and he turned around to look at me too.

"I'm just going to meet a friend, I'll be back!" I told them before running off.

I ran towards the direction of where I was supposed to meet Oikawa. When I got there I saw him and Iwaizumi.

I smiled, knowing things didn't end too bad with them, from what I've heard they've been friends since they were little. I would feel bad if they were to break it off with each other completely.

Karasuno POV
Noya ran towards the team who for the most part was pretty nervous about the upcoming game. To the teams surprise, the 2 who were usually the most nervous, Asahi and Yamaguchi, seemed fine.

"Hey Asahi! You feeling ok?" Noya asked. "Y-yeah, just a little nervous" he replied hesitantly.

Since that meeting, Asahi and Yamaguchi began to drift from Noya and Tsukishima, but not enough to make it too obvious.

Daichi came back a few minutes later and had the team gather around him. "Ok guys, listen up! Coach Ukai asked me to tell you that Shiratorizawa apparently has a new teammate. He wasn't one that we've learned about." "What about him?" Kageyama asked.

"Number 15, wing spiker, on the starting line up, but that's about all I was told."

Asahi and Yamaguchi gave each other a knowing look, and Yachi and Kiyoko did the same with a small smile. Tsukishima seemed to notice this, he knew something was up, but he decided he'd find out later.

"What about Hinata?" Ennoshita asked. Him, Narita, and Kinnoshita had been missing practice to work on a few class projects. Because of that, they didn't know about what the team had been saying, nor were they apart of it.

Because of that, the trio was surprised when they received some annoyed groans and eye rolls.

Daichi hesitated, feeling bad. "Uh he had some family issues so he wasn't able to make it, according to coach." He told Ennoshita. It wasn't the truth, but they didn't know that, none of them did. Except the 4.

Knowing the three were still confused, and that she could trust them, Kiyoko walked over to the trio. Everyone was doing their own thing now and Ennoshita, Kinnoshita, and Narita went off into their own little group, so no one would hear what she told them.

"I know you guys are probably confused so I'll fill you in" she told them before explaining what had happened.

Hinata's POV
I walked up to Oikawa and Iwaizumi as they both noticed me. "Chibi chan!" "Hey Hinata" "hi Iwaizumi, hi great king!" Iwaizumi seemed to cringe a bit at the nickname. "You still call him that?" "What?? I think it sounds cool" I say jumping up.

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