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Bas ik lamhe hai mein tum
Meri zindagi ban gayi

                          🎄🎠🎄Bas ik lamhe hai mein tumMeri zindagi ban gayi

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Abhi pov:

I felt like a robot leaving my heart... soul...everything with her and left to NY.

As soon as we landed on NY. I yelled at Rahul for sending those pics late to me which had the girl's face clearly...uff...I know she would be angry at me...I want to apologise to her...but I don't know how to do it because I never said sorry to anyone...anyway I dailed my mom's number and talked to my mom for some time and asked her to pass the phone to my sweetheart..

As I was talking to her and was trying very hard to say sorry but that stupid sorry didn't came out from my mouth how much I tried to say...arghh...so I ended the call..After that we joined in our college.

Veer & I planned to start a business but we don't have that much money with us and we don't want to ask anyone. So we two again started doing part time jobs and collected each and every dollar and in our graduation final year we started our business. We both worked hard day & night having sleep less nights..in the middle Rahul & jai joined in our company.. slowly our business began getting successful and extended our wings in other countries and reached to heights..After seven years...we entered into mafia...it was not our intention to enter in but circumstances made us to do it...we can't see cruel people hurting innocent one's so to save the innocent people we four together stopped the illegal activities and we became mafia don's... years passed...I was working like a robot to keep myself busy with things to do but every time I pause...I still think of her..

I got busy in my office work...but at the end of the every day...when I close my eyes her face used to flash infront of me but when I opened them and see nothing there... making me cry for her every night...I earned everything fame, wealth and all independently as I promised to my chotemaama and chotimaami except I missed my love... my zoya.

No one knows how I feel about her because everyone thinks that I was a cold hearted bastard but I am not... before she came into my life I was cold but not after she came in to my life like a ray of sunshine and changed me...I may be scold her for her mistakes and let out my anger at her that doesn't mean I don't love her...I did all those things with out of love on her.

In this ten years I realised how much I hurted her with my beastly behaviour so I decided to cure my anger issues... so that I won't hurt her again. I had consulted many doctors for it but all raised their hands up...but chotimaami words striked up in my mind that her daughter will cure my anger so I decided to ask my zoya to help me reduce it as soon as I will go to India.

All these years...I missed her so much more than the miles between us... everyday my heart used to ached for her...may be I am far away from her but my heart is with her. I miss her sweet voice...I miss her jasmine smell... I miss how she made me feel...I miss everything of her..I just wanna see her...hold her in my arms tightly.. and kiss her delicious lips senselessly.. but I have to wait for that moment...I was feeling jelaous of everybody who can see her but not me...may be she is too far my hands to hold her but too near to my heart...everyday at night when i look at the moon...it reminds me of her...same like the moon...she is so beautiful ...so bright...and so far away from me..

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