47. Cope

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"And for the next report," Chrono glanced at the girl who was sitting on the sofa. Currently reading what looked like a leather book in her hand for a while now. He then turned back to Overhaul who was playing a pen in his hand before continuing to speak. "we found someone leaking information from our side. What would you like to do?" Chrono said.

"For now... question them who's behind it. If they refused, you know what to do." He told him.

Someone came in and began to prepare some tea for Y/n in the room while the other was retreating.

The girl had been staying there almost all that time eversince she came back. It felt like the pressure in that room doubled eversince this two began to stay in this office. Although no one ever saw them spark a conversation, they didn't look that awkward.

Some workers almost thought that perhaps they're having a brotherly bonding just by putting pressure on people who comes into that office without doing anything.

Y/n would sometimes let out a grumbling sigh as she close the book and face palming darkly. "How could you embarrass me like this..." she'd say before openning the book again and continued to read the journal's contents.

Reading the book, Y/n was slowly feeling the ease on her chest as days passes by. Sometimes a small smile would crept out of her lips. A quiet chuckle would escape and an embarrassed expression would follow after or probably cuss occationally, cursing who seems to be the author of that notebook.

Although curious, Overhaul couldn't even ask her worrying that he may disrupt her good mood. Which is why he kept quiet until now for the passed 3 to 4 hours she spent on staying in his office after class.

Sometimes she'd run to Eri and play with her. There were instances that she read the book out loud for the silvette... choosing appropriate words to sift Levi's manner of speaking. She even accidentally read 'piles of shitty bastards' which was directed to some nobles so she rephrased it into 'some bad people'. Soon she decided to read the entry first before reading it out loud to a kid.

Y/n almost wanted to laugh because she thought it's going to be a formal and decent thoughts because his acknoledgement page was very thought out. However, the following entries became the usual Levi Ackerman who calls everybody with a 'shit' attached. His expressions and language use are sustained just as how he wrote it.

There was even a time when he realized it and said.

That idiot four eyes, Squad leader Hange sneaked this journal and told me why I wrote it inappropriately. Why would they care if I wrote it so bluntly? It's my trails of thoughts, not a pile of shitty reports that needs sifting because some idiots would reprimand it. Who in their fucking right mind would question me when this is my personal thoughts? Unless they want their faces on my boots, they shouldn't question what I do.

I've already taught that wench a lesson but I'm sure she'll look for this journal again. She shouldn't blame me for throwing her into the well once she does that again.

At this point, Y/n nearly crushed her throat from holding off her laughter. Covering her mouth as she gagged from trying to keep it in, her shoulders were trembling violently and stomach hurts.

Levi and Hange's dynamic never grow old. It felt like she was at the scene herself-- and if she ever was, she'd probably help the squad leader on sneaking all his diaries out to read and laugh.

From their perspective, people who comes and go out of Overhaul's office would think that she was holding back her tears again because, let's be honest, they never even saw her laugh. So crying would be the best explanation in their eyes, seeing as some beads of tears had already dribbled out of her eyes.

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