~ 3 - The morning after ~

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I don't know what happened that night, but it led to me waking up, still wearing the same clothes I was yesterday, with a note on my pillow.

'Last night was great - W
P.S. Call me ♡︎'

It was from Wyatt. He'd left his phone number as well. I screwed the note up into a ball and threw it across my room. What had happened last night? The last thing I could remember we were sitting on the steps outside Josh's house. We were just talking, but things must've escalated after that.

I forced myself out of bed and down the stairs to the kitchen. My brother, Hayden, was already eating breakfast.
"What time did I get home last night?" I asked him.
"I dunno. I went to sleep early." He replied. I sighed and threw a slice of bread into the toaster. Spotting my phone on the kitchen counter, I picked it up to see a message from Lola.

Lola: Where did u get 2 last night??
Kai: Idk, I can't remember anything after midnight

I slid my phone into my pocket and tried to put Lola, Wyatt and the events of last night out of my mind.
"Are you ok?" Hayden asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Obviously I was not fine, but I didn't want to get into any deep conversations this early in the the morning. Which actually turned out to not be that early at all.
"You seem kinda..." he looked at me, trying to figure out the second half of his sentence, "...off."
"Yeah. Did you have sex last night?"
"What? No!'
"course not. It better not have been with Max."
"I didn't have sex with Max. I didn't have sex with anyone!" Except maybe Wyatt, but I wasn't willing to confess that. To myself, Hayden or anyone else. I buttered my toast, grabbed a glass of juice and retreated back to my bedroom.


It was 2pm in the afternoon and I was deeply regretting having anything to drink at that party. I was lying on my bed, in what could be classed as an odd position, trying to figure out what had happened last night. No matter how hard I tried, I just couldn't remember anything. It was all a blur.

What if I did call Wyatt? Just to ask him what had happened, if anything. That wouldn't be weird, right? I could just give him a call, find out how that note ended up on my pillow, and I wouldn't have to worry about it anymore.

I rolled off of the bed and started searching for the scrap of paper. After tearing through piles of clothes and books, and still no luck, I came across my empty bin. 'Oh shit.' I ran out of my room and found my dad in the hallway.
"Did you empty my bin?"
"Yeah, why?" I didn't hesitate to answer him, and immediately rushed downstairs and out the front door, just in time to watch as the bin men emptied our recycling into their truck. 'Damnit.' I was too late.

I returned to my bedroom, and when I checked my phone I saw a message from Lola.
Lola: U were with Wyatt weren't u?
Kai: I told u I can't remember
Lola: Sure.
Lola: According to Aiden he's rly cute
Of course! I had completely forgotten that Aiden was friends with Wyatt.
Kai: Eh, he's not bad. While we're on the topic, does Aiden have his number??
Lola: You want his number? You totally like him!!
Ugh, of course she would say that. But I has to get his number, I had to find out what happened last night.
Kai: Just give me the number
Lola: Oki oki, one second
A couple minutes later, Lola responded with Wyatt's number. I thanked her, and ignored her comments about me liking Wyatt then called him.

He picked up almost immediately, I guessed he was waiting for my call.
"Hello!" He sounded excited, too excited.
"I didn't think you'd call."
"Look, I don't know why you think I'm calling, but I just wanna find out what happened last night, I'm not interested in you."
"You mean you don't remember?"
"I was hammered, can't remember a thing." I told him. Wyatt sniggered. "It's not funny!"
"Ok, I'm sorry. So you want me to tell you what happened?"
"Yes!" God he was so slow.
"Ok, but it's kinda hard to explain on the phone. Meet me at Molly's in half an hour and I'll tell you." And then he hung up. Seriously, when are people gonna stop hanging up on me without warning. Molly's was short for Molly's diner, a cafe in the centre of town, and a popular dating location. Annoyed, I quickly called him back, but he declined. I saw he'd left me a message.
Wyatt: I guess I'll see you there? Half an hour ♡︎
Wow. The heart at the end? That was brave of him. What was he tryna do? Get me to date him for information? Well, like that's gonna work. Did he seriously think I was gonna show? We'll see about that.

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