Chapter 16

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Mariah's P.O.V.

Location; Shopping mall

We are at the furniture store, and I can breathe again. I'm honestly drained, fighting that many Zombies is really an exercise, then there's the whole deal with my father, god I had hoped the apocalypse took him so I wouldn't have to. But I gave a promise, next time I see that bastard, he's dead.

"Hey" I snap out of my thoughts when Katie walks in, her hair looks better, she must've gotten it fixed and all. Before I knew what I was doing I had pulled Katie into hug.

"God, I was so worried" I whisper squeezing her tightly, I feel her go rigid before relaxing and she hugs me back. "I'm so sorry he took you" Katie immediately pulls away.

"It's not your fault, I promise you" She squeezes my arms reassuringly. I nod and plop down onto the closest bed and she joins lying beside me, the two of us stare at the ceiling in silence before I hear shuffling from Katie, and she turns to me.

"So, what's going on between you and Leo?" She suddenly asks and my whole face goes red, from the corner of my eye I notice a smirk starting to form on her face and she turns me towards her. "So, something's happened, huh?"

"No" I deny way too fast which only adds to her suspicion and her smirk widens into a grin.

"Sure" She drawls out chuckling at my reaction and we grin at each other. Then someone walks in, the girl from before followed by Xio, and Levi.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to ask" Katie says and sits up earning their attention. "Who are you two exactly?" Katie was looking at Levi and Xio, then I sit up with a sigh. The girl smiles at me.

"I'm Hua, it's really nice to meet you" She kindly introduces, and I grin at her then she looks at Katie. "And this is my brother, Levi, and his wife, Xiomara" Katie eyes them both wearily before nodding.

"I'm guessing you guys are staying" I say leaning on my arms and Xiomara nods.

"Yeah, I think we'd do good here" Xiomara state and I nod at her smiling. "And maybe I can even have our baby here" She says and nod a little.

"Better here than out there" I say, and she nods smiling at me while Levi glares at Katie and me. I raise an eyebrow at him, why exactly does the guys always have to be so annoying? Though Leo is something else now, I like him, more than I should especially during this dumb apocalypse.

"What's wrong, Sunshine? Don't want to stay?" Katie asks smirking at Levi the two of us probably having thought of the same thing as me. Levi scoffs at Katie.

"For one, don't call me sunshine" That makes Katie smirk and the two of us share an amused smile, even Hua looks amused. "And I don't trust you guys enough."

"Funny since you were the one who had a knife to Brandon's throat" I say, and Katie looks at me with wide eyes then turns to glare at the boy.

"Pretty sure you were the one who wanted to use my organs as Christmas lights" He says, and Katie raises her fist and I bump mine into hers. That causes Hua to burst out laughing.

"God, I know this place is going to be fun" I smile at her and she smiles back. Luna then walks in and looks around till her eyes land on me.

"Mariah, I need to talk to you" She says, I furrow a brow in confusion but stand up nonetheless and follow her. We walk to the back of the store where there's some privacy. We stand there in silence as I wait for whatever she's going to say. She looks like she's collecting her thoughts.

"Listen, I'm sorry" She apologizes, I furrow my brows in confusion, What's she sorry for? I know I've been annoyed by her, but she hasn't done something too bad. Noticing my confusion, she takes a deep breath.

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