Tag 2

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I just woke up from my nap after my exam. QwQ.

And I log in on wattpad till i saw that someone tag me again but . . . . .

It's  serious.

I look at where 'They' I'm gonna say 'they' cause I know they will read this.

So I just log in on Wattpad and saw this person whom I called them 'they' instead mention my name on 'IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ'. this book belong to @vxnilla-evie is that how it spell? Anyway, I read their comment on this book saying, something I'll understand this. I was curious till I look for it and saw this. I read it.

My face were blank at first till My face became paled and I was disgusts by this. I am disgust for those who do this to others. I am very concern for the others and also for the new writers in Wattpad. I am very, very, disappointment towards those perverts and pedophiles.

I disappointment for them for doing this, especially the hackers, invading you privacy? That's disgusting. Good thing I didn't do face reveal because I am mysterious person *sparkles around her* Jk XD. So for those who reading this, please let's stop for the love of all universe this cruel, horrible and mortifying news.

If they don't step and try to harm the others and my friends, I will beat the sh** out of that person, or send them to another world so they will died in the hands of justice.

So spread out this word! 

(P.S I can't tag someone cause My phone was about to die on me. Sorry TvT)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2021 ⏰

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