04 | gaming

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if u dont know
what bedwars is go search
up bedwars on youtube
or sum idk go watch
hannahxxrose 🥰


shoyo hinata added (Y/N) (L/N) and
Kozume Kenma to the groupchat

here ya go!
(Y/N) meet Kenma
Kenma meet (Y/N)

cute and sexy 😜
this the mf who doxxed me?

cat boy

cute and sexy 😜
fuck u drop the kord n
mic up rn

cat boy
get on hypixel too

oooh are you guys going to
player vs player?

cute and sexy 😜
we are most definitely
gonna pvp

cat boy
private games
we'll do a 4v4 map but
it's just us, ill host.

cute and sexy 😜
ill have you know i'm
a solos leaderboard player

cat boy
(ur minecraft user)?
girl bye u lost ur 8th placement
ur down to 9th

cute and sexy 😜
bitch so? that's yesterday
i can easily get it back
get on hypixel with u n ur
greasy gamer boy fingers

cat boy
my fingers are far from
greasy my set up clean
asf n i hope u get
carpal tunnel 💀💀

guys dont be mean :(

cute and sexy 😜
just added u mic df up now

can i join? :D

cat boy

kodzuken added (disc user)
to the war of beds players groupchat

kodzuken started a call...


I muttered curses as I shoved my headphones on and I brang my mic close to my mouth. You could say I was a sweaty gamer but that just sounds gross I like to say I'm just good at the game. I clicked join call and noticed that it was only the kenma guy and shoyo in the call the two stopped talking when they heard the little noise indicating someone joined. "Are you on hypixel."Kodzuken's icon lit up green indicating they were talking.

"Yeah party me you know my username."I replied sassily however my soft spoken voice didn't make me sound intimidating. (soft spoken voices dont have to b high btw just 4 this story ur voice isnt harsh kk muah)

"Woah hi (Y/N)! This is the first time I've heard your voice!"I saw Shoyo's icon light up green indicating the excited voice belong to him. "Hi Shoyo this is my first time hearing your voice too."I smiled I heard two more pings that meant more people joined the call play throughout my headphones "Oh Hi Kageyama!"Shoyo said "What the hell are you guys doing it's 11pm why are you playing right now?"A deep voice said.

"Who cares it's Saturday but are you playing something or studying?"A different voice replied one much more attractive "Oh wait! (Y/N) is (ur discord name lmfao) she's in the call right now!"Shoyo announced.

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