Telephones or smth

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Back long ago when the world was in its infancy and nothing but dirt and gravel-covered its land, ants rose up. Created from the core of the earth all kinds of ants crawled through the dark layers of this planet until they finally found themselves at the surface. They started working, crawling under the ground and helping seeds grow into the beautiful plants and grass we have today with sheer willpower. As the plants started to grow they summoned water from the sky to rain down on them, creating rivers and oceans alike. While it rained the ants hid under the ground and in the dirt they created animals and gave them life. These animals too climbed out from the Earth. The animals shaped the land, like buffalo who stomped on the Great Plains, and Mountain goats who slowly stacked rocks up to make giant hills they could live on. All was perfect, and the ant gods were proud.

As the world slowly evolved around the ants, they found themselves unneeded as a new species called humans rose from the Earth's crust. The humans brought with them the knowledge and a wanting mind, trying to find answers in the unknown. Slowly they built up society and the ants found themselves nothing but small pests running around people's homes searching for food. The ants were fine with playing their meaningless role, it's what the ecosystem needed after all. Though throughout the ages the ants never lost their power. They were still gods at the very core.
One day though, as an ant was running through a kind household in what the humans labeled as "America", they noticed something they normally wouldn't. The human was coming back from the door with a letter in hand. They realized something. Humans have been sending letters for decades to transport information from one place to another. This took up a lot of resources though and took a lot of time which somethings couldn't afford. The small ant had an idea and slowly marched back to his colony to consult the others.

He slowly explained his idea to the other ants and with the collective brainpower of their godlike hive mind they thought up a way to put this plan in motion. Eager to help the humans and use their infinite power again, the ants stormed on and tried to find the right person for the job. Along the way, they told other colonies of their genius plan so they too could help them on their mission.

After a while, they found the chosen one. The ant's prophet of sorts, Alexander Graham Bell. Once he was chosen millions of ants raided his home and began to speak to him of their monumental idea. He, as a loyal follower, drew it out and created the first-ever telephone. Soon after he made the first-ever phone call to his dear friend Watson.

As the telephone was invented it changed communication forever. It was a push in the direction of a more technological future, as the humans slowly learned how to adapt and evolve adapt to the blueprints the ants left them. Thus, leaving the ants satisfied and falling into the shadows again. Well, until Bill Gates.

Ants and Telephones and shitWhere stories live. Discover now