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Lan Wangji's POV:

"Mr. Lan," the man at the door with an impassive face greets me and I groan inwardly. Of all places in the world I had to meet him here?

Now that Wei Wuxian wasn't on my lap, I get up with ease and smile at his flustered face. Turning back to former I nod, "Mr. Hua."

With a smirk he takes a step forward and gives me a warm hug which surprises other two in the room.

"Wait! You guys know eachother?" Wei Wuxian enquires and Hua Cheng grins, "Very well. We were in Harvard together. Rather this guy is a year junior to me but let me tell you he's one the best amongst us lot."
Turning to face me he enquires, "When did you come back?"

"Recently. Uncle wanted me here and it was time to return back to motherland. How have you been?" Trailing my eyes to a gorgeous yet petite man behind Hua Cheng I smirk, "Did see him yesterday. Didn't realise he's your partner."

"Ah yes!" Gesturing Lian to come forward Hua Cheng smiles fondly, "He's not only my partner but also my husband. Let's just say the moment I came back from States, I met with a small accident and this beautiful here helped me. Well from then on it's history and 8 days later I proposed, he accepted and the man beside you was our best man."

"Woah! Nothing less expected from you. Even when Sora told me about her Hua Cheng uncle, it strangely did not occur to me that she was talking about you."

"Wait!" Lian smiles with glee, "You met Sora?"

Cocking my head I nod, "Yeah. Why?"

Tugging my collar he cups my ear like a kindergarten kid with a secret and perhaps this was a secret? He whispers, "You're in love with Wei Wuxian aren't you?"

Raising my eyes to meet the one who makes my heart skip beats every single second, yes I am in love with him. Some would say it's impossible to fall in love so quickly. I'd say, fuck it. When you meet the right one, time does not matter.

My heart skips a beat again but then I nod subtly and he grins. Giving me a thumbs up Lian moves back under Hua Cheng's arms and Wei Wuxian swings his gaze back and forth between us, "Hey! What's all this secret?"

"Jealous?" Sticking his tongue out Lian kisses Hua Cheng's cheeks and continues, "Where is Sora?"

"Sleeping." I answer for Wei Wuxian.

"Aw! We came here to spend time with Sora. What should we do now?" Sounding dejected Lian pouts.

"If you love my kid so much, maybe it would be best if you two quickly adopted one or few." Though made in jest but when Wei Wuxian realises the sadness in Lian's eyes, he quickly walks up to the couple as enquires, "What happened?"

Sensing they needed privacy I smile and move away, "How about you all talk and I'll make everyone some coffee?"

With a nod I walk back to the kitchen and look around for ingredients. It surprises me that the doctor in house loves some freshly brewed coffee and here I thought it was all instant for him. Blending it out I smile when Hua Cheng's baritone voice reaches my ear, "Just like the old days."

"Hm." Back in university these guys used to come over to my place often for some coffee.

"You like Wei Wuxian." His wasn't a question.

"I more than like him." Mine is a confession.

"He's a good kid and so are you." Turning to face Hua Cheng I grin and ask, "Is this your way of giving me an approval to court him?"

"Jun... Only you would use this court word." Grinning he nods, "Yeah. Yeah. Court him. Fuck him. Love him. Do whatever you want to do but never leave him." Behind his humour I knew Hua Cheng was serious.

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