so it's ezra choi's birthday

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also soren soren soren

tw: mention of addiction, overdose :((


It's that day.

My shoulders seem to fall, my lungs swelling and compressing about one fucking million times. It's almost like I barely have control of my own fucking body, like I'm looking at myself from the outside.

But, no, this shit is real. Everything is so painfully real, and today is the day when it feels the realest.

My converse padding along the ground, I glance around the hallway. It's essentially fucking chaos — which really isn't new — but the chaos seems to be even louder, the excitement practically pulsating through the air.

As in, energy fueled by the promise of a party. As in, a party hosted by someone I'm far too familiar with, alongside the entire student body.

As in, Damien Cortez— who never actually really hosts parties and shit— is hosting a party and shit. Which is insane, and also a huge factor in the volume in the hallways. I keep moving forward, though.

Any other day, I probably would have cracked a grin or something resembling one while I mentally poked fun at my way too over-eager classmates, and mentally decided who would bring the drinks, and who would get arrested.

However, this isn't really any other day.

So, I keep moving, casting everyone else occasional looks as I plow forward, excited voices filling the air all around me. I don't really linger on the conversations, and I don't exactly make fun of any of the students.

"Hey, Soren."

The voice is careful, slightly light, travelling through the halls. And even though I can tell that he's likely a few feet away, and there's a crowd of what feels like hundreds of students surrounding him— I recognize his voice so easily it almost scares the fuck out of me.

Turning around, I notice Damien's eyes lock onto mine, one of his hands rising into a little wave that nearly kills me because I'm supposed to be sad today, but then, there's Damien with that lopsided little grin painted onto his lips, and that cute-as-fuck little wave that he's directing towards me, and I can't be as upset as I want to.

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