the storm

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Harry Clearwater was dead

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Harry Clearwater was dead. Charlie didn't have to say it, the look on his face was enough. He was waiting outside on the porch when Juliet pulled into the driveway. She hurried over to him, not even bothering to lock her truck, and straight into his arms. They didn't speak for a while.

"I'm so sorry, dad." Juliet said after nearly ten minutes.

"I am too." Charlie's voice sounded hollow and broken. "I should tell you..." She pulled back, seeing the apprehensiveness that had set in on his face. "Alice Cullen is here."

"What?" Juliet questioned. "What do you mean Alice Cullen is here? Like here as in Forks?"

"Here as in our living room." Charlie sighed lightly. "Bella invited her to stay."

"Why?" Juliet didn't care if she sounded rude.

"She wanted to check on Bella, I guess." He sighed. "They're sleeping in the living room." Juliet nodded, and finally made a move to head inside.

"Dad...I couldn't find Leah today." She looked back at him. "I looked everywhere, all our usual spots, and nothing."

"I'm sure she's just...dealing with things." He said. "Give her some time, let her breathe and think about things. She'll come to you when she's ready." Juliet nodded, her hand now resting on the doorknob.

"I love you dad."

"I love you too, Jules."


A day without Leah was hard to imagine. Juliet had slept in late, which helped, finally pulling herself out of bed around ten. She walked downstairs and had begun to make herself breakfast, still barely even awake.

"Oh! You must be Juliet." Juliet looked up, seeing none other than Alice Cullen standing in the doorway. She was small-tiny, in fact-with too-big golden eyes and short brown hair. "I'm Alice, we met briefly last year in Phoenix."

"Yeah, I remember." Juliet nodded. "It's...nice to see you again."

"You as well." Alice gave a polite smile as she walked over the sink and set a few cups in it. Neither of them said anything further as Alice left the room, though Juliet thought she could hear Alice sniff as she passed her. She finished her breakfast quick before deciding to call the Clearwater house, hoping Leah would be home. It was answered after a few rings.

"Hello?" It was Sam.

"Sam, I couldn't find Leah yesterday." Juliet looked outside, displeased to see rain again. If Leah was out there, she didn't want her caught in this. "Please tell me you know where she is."

"I don't." Juliet groaned. "But I saw her. She's...she's fine, Jules. Just processing. She said she wanted to be left alone."

"Stop telling me that." She huffed. "I know it's not true. She'd want to see me. She'd want me with her!"

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