Chapter Twenty-Three

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Sherlock and Robin completed their journey to London and arrived at the Bridgerton house in the late morning only to find everything in disarray. Violet was nowhere to be seen, but Robin managed to grab Eloise by the arm as she ran through the foyer.

"Eloise, what's going on?"

Eloise paused and narrowed her eyes at her cousin. "You don't know?"

Robin shook her head. "No. We just returned to the city, and this is the first place we came."

"Marina is pregnant with her former lover's baby," Eloise announced bluntly. "She was trying to trap Colin into marriage."

Robin's eyes widened in surprise. "Is he all right?"

Eloise shrugged. "He's heartbroken, of course, but he managed to exit the engagement with his reputation intact."

Robin nodded. "That's good, at least. Where is your mother?"

"Right here," Violet answered, hurrying down the stairs.

Eloise pulled away and vanished as Violet came immediately to Robin and hugged her. "Oh, my dear. I'm so sorry."

"Sorry?" Robin blinked. "Sorry for what?"

"Your father, dear."

"Oh," Robin murmured. She had already entirely forgotten. "Don't trouble yourself, Aunt Violet. He was not worth being sorry for."

Violet tilted her head curiously, answering a question Sherlock had failed to ask his wife before now. Though her aunt had to have been aware that Robin's life had its difficulties, she couldn't have been aware of her father's abysmal attitude, otherwise she would have taken it upon herself to remove her long ago.

"I hear you are now wed," she continued, electing not to inquire further about Robin's comment.

"Yes, Aunt Violet."

Her aunt hugged her tightly, looking at Sherlock sternly over Robin's shoulder. "And are you taking good care of your wife, Mr. Holmes?"

He swallowed nervously, which gave Robin the time to defend him, even though she knew her aunt was only teasing.

"He has treated me very well, Aunt Violet. He's already begun fixing Norland Park."

"I am so happy for both of you," Violet replied. "Though I do not understand why you couldn't have waited so we all could have attended."

"I'm sorry we didn't invite you, Aunt Violet," she apologized. "But when I saw how happy everyone in the village was for me, I was overcome with a desire to marry at home. I had no idea that Sherlock already had a license, and once I told him, he wouldn't take no for an answer."

"It's quite all right, Robin. I understand. You'll be celebrating for your family and friends in the city before the end of the season, I presume?"

"Of course," Robin assured her.

"Very well, then. Let me know when you need help arranging everything."

"Meanwhile, is there anything we can do for you?" Sherlock wondered. "This business with Colin sounds serious."

"No, no. It's all been handled. We must simply wait for the gossip to die down, is all. It may take slightly longer because of Lady Whistledown, but soon there will be something else for the ton to talk about." She clapped her hands together decisively. "We're about to have tea. Come join us."

"Of course," they both agreed, following her.

As they sat, drank tea, and ate, they talked. Sherlock and Robin described the work currently happening at Norland, as well as their wedding.

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