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Aditya had woken up with the first ray of the sun. He had decided to make his way towards the training pits today as he hadn't had the time the day before as he had engaged himself in a wonderful conversation with lady he had bumped into earlier.

She had been kind enough to show him around the area and give him a small tour of the palace too, he later had come to know that Meera wasn't just the aunt of his best friend's bride but she was The Queen, the most loved and just queen born on the soil, the most feared and respected Malika-e-Hindustan.

Aditya picked up his sword and walked out of his chamber wearing a light cotton shirt and pant bottoms. He made his way towards the training ground followed by his body guards who always accompanied him like his shadow.

"Stay." He said to them as he reached the training pit. He could hear the sound of metal hitting metal and loud voice echoing through the pit.

He made his way towards the elevated platform and looked below at the two figures fighting.

One of the figure was a familiar face while the other small one had his back towards him.

The young Mughal King brought his sword down towards his opponent but his move was swiftly blocked.

Maheen turned her wrist skilfully and pushed Abeer using her shoulder making him loose his foothold for a second and took the opportunity to deliver continuous blows at him which he managed to dodge.

"I. Am. Going. To. Win." She yelled with every delivered strike which was skilfully blocked by Abeer.

She kicked his wrist making him drop his sword, which she kicked away from his reach.

"I win."She said with a smirk.

"You haven't killed me yet." Abeer said raising his arm in the air in surrender.

"Killing an unarmed person ? It goes against the principles of the Rajput in me." Maheen said and turned around to leave.
A second later she was yanked back, her arm twisted behind her back, her hair which she had tied were now out of the bun she had secured and cascading down her back.

"You are dead." Abeer said and let his sister go.

She turned around to see him hold a small dagger in his hand.
"It took a little more precision to reach for just your hair tie than it would to reach for your neck." He said looking down at his feet at the pieces of cloth which was holding his sister hair in a bun which he had cut open.

"Always remember, be merciful but not stupid. A warrior is never unarmed." He said pulling out another dagger which was strapped to his right angle and threw it on the ground beside her hair tie. "And never, never let your emotions take over the rational and practical part of you." He said.

Aditya who had watched and heard the conversation and the duel between the two admired the new king's wit and lesson.

"Maa!" Maheen whined walking towards him. Aditya watched the princess walk towards him past his frame, he turned, his gaze following the young princess as she stomped towards the watching gallery.

Maheen marched toward her parents and walked into her fathers open arms.

"My love, you did well. I'm so proud of you." Haider Ali Khan said kissing the top of his daughters head.

"Bhai cheated baba." Maheen whined.

"I'll talk to him he won't do-."

"Hadi stop." Meera said narrowing her eyes and looking sharply at her husband. "Stop. I don't want my daughter to be weak, she needs to accept defeat however small or big it may be, and it's better she learns it here under her parents wings rather than when she is out in the open."

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