Part 2

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Brayden POV

I wonder what's wrong with her. Maybe it was me? I don't know. I can't even be honest and tell her that I like her. I really don't want to fuck our friendship up.

*text message*

Alex: "Hey jump on, we're having a few drinks while playing video games."
Brayden: "Sure give me a second."

5 hours later

I don't feel too good, I've drank too much alcohol.
Fuck, the room is spinning. Maybe if I walk slowly I won't fall.

I begin to walk slowly to my room and as if there was a trip wire I go flying through the door of my bedroom landing on my knees.

Summers POV


I shoot up, turning the lights on as now it's dark.

"Owww" He rolls around on his back.

"Brayden!" I raise my voice out of shock.

"Mhm hello you"

"What in hell are you doing on the floor?" I ask confused.

Brayden begins to hic loud.

"Wait - Are you seriously drunk right now?" I annoyingly say.

"I'm sorry, I - I fell." He explains, trying to get up.

"It's okay, come here, let me help you" I begin helping him up and onto the bed.

"Let me get you some water"

As I walk back in his bedroom I see he has taken his shirt and pants off. Leaving him only in his boxers. The waist band cutting into his hips slightly. I stop in my tracks and my eyes widen.

"I- I got you your water" I say trying to digest what I'm seeing.

He mumbles and sits up with his eyes shut and opens his mouth. I hold the glass of water up to his lips and a trinket of water rolls down his lower lip and chin.  He begins to groan gently and lay back down on the bed. 

"Sums, I don't feel well, I ate and drank too much" he softly moans while stretching his belly out.

"I know B, you'll feel better tomorrow" I bite my lower lip looking at him laying on the bed rubbing his bloated round belly.

"Why did you drink so much?" I ask.

His eyes open and look sad.

*hic* "I'm stupid"  he mumbles.

"What do you mean? No you're not. Tell me what's going on?"

He begins mumbling and hiccuping.

"I like you" He softly says.

I felt like my stomach had fell out of me at that very second.

"Y-you like me?" I stutter

"Im sorry I shouldn't. I shouldn't have said that -" he nervously says.

And just with that, he gets up rapidly and falls to his feet and vomits the contents of his stomach on the floor.

"What the fuck is happening" I think to myself unable to process everything.

My caring side overrides the confusion and I kneel down at the side of him and begin rubbing his back and he finishes vomiting. Again, helping him back into bed.

"I'm really sorry" he mumbles, closing his eyes"

I move his soft wavy dark hair away from his sweaty forehead.

His stomach starts to make a sickly noise and he begins to groan and clutch his bloated belly.

I take a deep breath and place my hand on his belly. In comparison to his belly, my hand looks tiny.
His belly is warm and bubbling under my hand. I press gently and rub while applying pressure. His body relaxes under my touch. I rub in small circles and he begins to burp up pockets of trapped gas from the beer. This seems to help with his belly ache.

"That feels really good" he mumbles shyly.

I lay down next to him, caressing and rubbing his aching belly before we both fall asleep together.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2021 ⏰

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