Chapter 5: Memory that Faded I

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My Happiness


October 11, 1987

"You've reached Huang Zou Department of Children Service. How may I help you?"

"This is Yi Chen Zi of Yi and Associates. I would like to speak with the case worker handling the Wu baby." Yi Chen Zi, a middle aged, rather plump individual glanced nervously at the gentleman sitting calmly in front of his desk.

Yi Chen Zai wasn't sure why Zhang Rishan made him so nervous. There was no plausible reason why the uncommonly handsome man caused chills to run down his spine, and yet every time the man walked into his office, he had to fight the urge to jump up and run away.

"I'm on hold, Mr. Zhang. Please be patient." Yi Chen Zi couldn't help but question why he felt the need to keep the intimidating man placated.

Perhaps it was the predatory gleam in his eyes.

Yi Chen Zi family's firm had been handling the business affairs of the Zhang family since the mid 1800's.

The Zhang family is the sole reason why Yi Chen Zi and Associates was the attorney powerhouse that they are today. They came from old money and it never seemed to run out.

Zhang Rishan inclined his head but kept his neutral gaze on the portly man who was beginning to sweat rather profusely under his gaze. He could tell that he made the man nervous. It was a common occurrence. He had the tendency to make most people nervous without trying. It seemed that on a subconscious level, most human could sense what he was. It was just that they didn't recognize what they were feeling.

They felt the urge to run and hide but instead of obeying this feeling, they would rationalize that it was just irrational fear and ignored the warning that their brain tended to pump out. It was this fact that made humans such easy prey to feed on. They didn't know how to trust their own instincts.

In more recent years, feeding could be conveniently done by means of blood bank. However, the blood tasted old and lost some of its potency. Also, blood born disease tended to run more rampant to these establishments and while human ailments did not infect the nightwalkers, they soured the blood, making it unpleasant bitter. Most of their kind could easily smell disease and avoided the carriers of such illness unless in dire straights.

"Is this the caseworker of the Wu infant? Born yesterday?" Zhang Rishan redirected his focus back onto the lawyer. His exceptional hearing made it possible for him to follow the conversation of both participants.

"Yes, this is Yang Yin. May I ask why you're interested in the child of a cocaine addicted prostitute?" asked the overworked and underpaid caseworker impatiently.

"My client, Mr. Zhang Rishan would like to sponsor the child." Yi Chen Zi stated swiftly going into full lawyer mode. That was one thing Zhang Rishan liked about the man. When given the chance he was a bulldog for his client.

"Why would a wealthy man like Mr. Zhang want this child? This is hightly unusual."

Zhang Rishan could hear her shifting nervously in her chair. Crossing his legs, Zhang Rishan couldn't stop the frown that crossed his elegant features.

Yi Chen Zi began his job, "Ms. Yang, could you tell me what the odds are that a child born from such a woman would ever be placed in a loving home? What are the chances that he will ever be adopted? Am I, or am I not, correct in the assumption that he would end up spending the first years of his life bouncing from one foster home to another?" Yi Chen Zi kept his eyes on Zhang Rishan as he argued his case to the woman.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2021 ⏰

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