chapter 9

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In the middle of the sea

A submarine ship girl is patrolling her sector

U-556: what the

She surfaces only to see the largest army of mobile suits

The army consists of gms leos murusames and the graze dainsleif team and the commanders and hashmal are there

Hashmal: are you sure this will work

Barbatos: we outnumber the 1000/1 we'll be fine

Red frame: yes

Nu: we can't lose

Moon: yeah

Barbatos: the time is now dainsleif team get ready

Ds: sir

The dainsleif Grazes take off disappearing into the blue sky

U-556: oh no!

Barbatos: we shall snuff out azur lane today crush them like bugs

Nu: halt show yourself

Nu's fin funnels surround u-556 and she surfaces completely

Barbatos: a submarine of the wolfpack capture her

Gm: sir

The gm tazes her

Barbatos: alright

Leo: sir what's this list of names on our huds

Barbatos: capture them

Gm: how will we know if they are the right person

Barbatos: you'll know

At azur lane base

Hood: what's wrong Bismarck

Bismarck: u-556 should have been back by now

Hood: I'm sure she's fine

Suddenly multiple explosions are heard

Hood: what

They look out of the window to see a purple beam cutting ships in half

The ship girls deploy only to stop out of fear

In front of them is an army millions strong

Enterprise: so it's our turn huh

Wales: most likely

Barbatos: you've lost before this fight has even begun azur lane surrender and die a painless death

Enterprise: never

Barbatos: how disappointing dainsleif team fire

In space

Dainsleif leader: target the buildings

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Dainsleif leader: target the buildings

Dt: sir

They get there targets and

betrayed Barbatos Lupus Rex x azur lane(Complete)Where stories live. Discover now