Chapter 28

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After the more than uncomfortable introductions, Ryder "kindly" asked for some alone time with his mate. For a while, they sat in silence, Jamie eating her sandwich while Ryder kept his face buried in her neck. Eventually, he started tracing the faint pink lines that were horrible wounds just days earlier, growling each time he came to a different one. She had since changed clothes so he couldn't actually see all of them, which was probably a good thing because it was only a matter of time before he snapped. Heck, it was amazing that he had gone this long without demanding to know who he had to kill.

And, for as good as the sandwich is, most likely because she didn't have to make it, Jamie simply enjoyed Ryder's presence. That nearly unreachable, vulnerable part of her wouldn't allow her to push him away when having him this close after days without him when his proximity was so damn comforting.

No one had dared call attention to it, but she had tensed when someone grabbed a knife. Not even a big, scary steak knife. No, this was a stupid butter knife, and she had tensed up like it could actually cause her harm.

Actually acknowledging and working through all the terrible shit that happened would mean admitting that it got to her. It would mean that all the jokes she told, all the jabs she directed at Marcus and his family were said to make her feel like she had some control, like it didn't bother her. Because at the end of the day, he's an idiot that Jamie could probably take on in a fair fight and the idea that someone as stupid as him could get to her, could actually cause trauma in her, was what really bothered her.

"Jamie?" Ryder said quietly, not wanting to disturb the relative peace. She hummed in response, not bothering to look at him, "I've got about a million questions right now, can I ask them without upsetting you at all?"

"Can't guarantee that, but sure," She shrugs.

"Who took you? Where did they take you? Why were you taken? Why did you leave the pack house when the rogues showed up? How did you get here?" Well, he did say a million questions, so she probably should have expected more than she did.

"Some old...friends of mine. Don't know exactly where, but it was in neutral territory. They had some unfinished business with me. Because I'm not a coward, and have more experience with scent blockers than anyone I know. And, I busted myself out of that dungeon," No thanks to him. She didn't say it, but she didn't have to. He felt terrible for letting those bitches lay a single hand on her, and while a part of him really wished he had been the one to rescue her, he was more relieved than anything that she was no longer being hurt by them.

"By 'Who took you?' I was hoping to get names," He pointed out.

She figured that was coming, albeit much sooner than it did but still, "Right... You remember me mentioning that girl I killed?" He nodded, "Her parents weren't too happy about that I guess. Because of Katey's failure to pass along information that would allow Drenden to take over, her family was banished from their pack and they went to seek revenge on me. If you want to set up a murder party their names are Jenny and Marcus Rialts," She debated whether she should mention Lissy or not, knowing that it would make the decision harder.

"Well then they shouldn't have sent their daughter on a suicide mission," He reasoned grumpily, not considering that a valid reason. It was safe to say that their lifespans had just been severely shortened, if his darkened eyes were any indication. They weren't quite red, like when Enzo took over, but they weren't their usual green anymore either.

"You know, I told them that same thing, and it only pissed them off more," She shrugged again, "Some people just can't take constructive criticism," She muttered, "They have another kid, a young one. I feel bad for her, not because her parents are abusive or anything, just..."

"She has to live with people that have probably driven themselves mad seeking revenge?" Ryder offers, obviously sensing that she wasn't going to finish her sentence. She nodded, resting her head completely against his chest. He couldn't fight back the smile that crossed his features at the action, "Then we'll send them a warning. They try to take you again and they'll have to fight off an entire pack of angry wolves that want nothing more than to keep their future luna safe."

"You can still kick the shit out of them," She tells him, "Better yet, let me kick their asses. But, traumatizing a child would probably ruin the mood."

'Ryder? Alpha Lewis just told us that Jamie's here and that you're with her. Should we just wait outside cluelessly or will you let us in for an explanation?' Chris's voice made its way into Ryder's head, reminding him that he hadn't come here alone.

'Jamie escaped on her own by a couple rogues that happened to be the parents of that werewolf she killed,' He summarizes for him, not particularly wanting them to come back in right now. After all the stress he's experienced the past couple days, Ryder believes that he deserves to spend some time alone with his mate.

His wishes, which he believed were quite obvious, weren't respected for long. Jamie's parents soon returned, probably to suck up to her as much as possible, along with Alpha Lewis, "What do you want?" Ryder asked grumpily.

"I'm here to let Jamie know that she is no longer banished, because Katelyn was in fact a spy. Also, she won't be given any trouble once you guys decide to leave," He casts a warning glare at Zack and Melissa.

"Define trouble," Jamie instantly retorts, not exactly excited to hear all the apologies from the suck-ups and the accusations from the stubborn bastards.

"Jamie, we're not going to try and keep you here, especially since you have your mate," Melissa defends, while Jamie frowns disbelievingly, "But we just want you to know how sorry we are, we didn't know how right you were."

Now, Ryder, Zack, and Melissa all expected to have some sort of teary reunion occur. One where all would be forgiven, or at least, partially forgiven with the room to make up for the rest. Anyone that thought that highly of Jamie, she would consider to be an idiot that had forgotten every single interaction they had ever had with her. Lewis was the only one to not be shocked in the slightest at her response.

"Suck a lemon, you sorry sons of bitches."

A/N: I don't know why I like the saying, "suck a lemon" so much XD There is a lot wrong with me

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