Chapter Twenty-Nine | Debutante

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MILLIE PLACED THE last golden pin in her hair and stepped back. After what seemed like hours, the lady's maid was finally satisfied with the look. Vivienne took a moment to admire herself in the looking glass. Her blonde hair seemed almost golden with the pins reflecting the light ever so slightly. That was not all that Millie had done. Somehow, Vivienne's cheeks were rosier than ever, and her green eyes were lined with something called kohl, making them seem more defined and vibrant.

She turned around and clasped Millie's hand, "Oh Millie, you've done wonderfully. I almost do not recognize myself! It's hard to imagine that I could look like this."

Her lady's maid blushed, "I'm glad you approve my lady. I was practicing all of last week hoping for perfection."

Vivienne gingerly raised a hand to a blonde curl, "I must admit, I don't know much about London fashion, but in my eyes, you've achieved perfection. I'm so grateful for your help."

The lady's maid bowed, and Vivienne grabbed the creamy white gloves and slipped them on. The chain of her emerald pendant caught on one of gloves and she tugged on it, carefully removing it from the fabric. She glanced at the pendant and a feeling of sadness washed over her. It seemed so long ago that Agatha had promised Vivienne that she would get to experience the season and now that she was, her governess was not with her. Vivienne hoped more than ever that Agatha was safe, wherever she was. Although James might not believe it, deep in her heart, she knew her governess was alive.

"I almost forgot, Lady Torrington gave me something for you earlier this morning," Millie said excitedly as she rushed towards the armoire.

Vivienne watched as the lady's maid brought forward a beautiful golden necklace and matching earrings. Millie held up the earrings to her ears, "I think it will look spectacular with the dress."

Vivienne watched as Millie placed them on and then her fingers grasped the clasp of her pendent. She raised her hand back, "No, I'll do it."

The pendant had been around her neck for as long as she could remember. If anyone was going to be taking it off, it would be her. Vivienne softly removed the pendant and placed it on the velvet pouch that sat on the table. Millie replaced it with the golden necklace. It felt foreign and cold upon her skin, but as usual, her lady's maid was right—it went spectacularly with the dress.

"There, that covers everything. Lady Torrington should be waiting for you downstairs."

Vivienne nodded once and took a deep breath to calm herself. She was doing this; it was no longer a dream she conjured in the cottage with Agatha, it was now a reality.

"I'm sure you will make a wonderful splash in the London season, my lady." Millie said with a comforting smile.

Vivienne returned her smile before descending the stairs. Sure enough, Lady Torrington was waiting for her, dressed in a dark blue, almost black gown and powder white gloves. The dowager looked at her appearance, and a rare, satisfied smile made its way upon her face.

"You clean up quite nicely, I've done my job well."

Vivienne touched the golden chain upon her neck, "Thank you for allowing me to borrow your jewelry."

"I expect it to be returned to me after the evenings over—in the condition I lent it to you of course."

Vivienne wanted to smile but her stomach was beginning to feel a bit queasy. "Are we still waiting for J-His Grace?"

Lady Torrington shook her head, "No, James went to White's a bit earlier. Apparently, he had some rather important business to attend to."

"Oh," Vivienne said as her heart sank. She had assumed that James would be the one that would escort her onto the ballroom floor for her first dance. Now, he couldn't even make it to Almack's.

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