Chapter 11- USJ

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Izuku POV

We all got on the bus for our trip to USJ. Not going to lie. I was really excited! I sat down next to Tsu and Shinso. Paimon was sitting on my lap, sleeping.

"Izuku, I usually say what is on my mind, so can I ask you a question, kero?" Tsu turned to me and nodded.

"Why do you hide your last name?" She asked, and I got tense. Kachan could see how tense I was.

"He doesn't have to tell you sh*t!" Kachan screamed and sat back down.

"It's okay, Kachan!" I said.

"Well, there is a reason why, but I'd rather not say. All the teachers and Pro Heroes know why. I might tell you, someday," I responded with a smirk, and she nodded.

"Izuku! Your quirk is so cool and flashy! I wish I had quirk like that," Kirishima sat up and shouted. I just chuckled.

"I think your quirk is great too! It's great defense!" I responded, and he seemed happy to get a compliment.

"Yeah, but it's not as cool as your's, Bakugo's, or Todoroki's," He said.

"But, I don't think Bakugo is going to be very popular because of his temper," Tsu said, and Kachan got up to shout at her. Then Paimon woke up and shouted at Kachan.

"Okay, we hear. Now shut up, problem children," Aizawa said, and we all got off the bus.

When we got off the Pro Hero, Thirteen greeted us and told us about the place. When going inside, she talked to us about her quirk and what she specialized in. Then I zoned out of it, but I heard Aizawa shout something.

"Get the kids!" He shouted, and Thirteen gathered us.

There was this black/purple mist and what came next were villains. Thousands it looked like, and Aizawa Sensei was fighting all of them. Doing his best not to blink and protect us. I saw him in awe until the mist came to us, and we couldn't see anything. Before I knew it, I was thrown into the water, but before I took my catalyst out.

[Hydro- Alternate Sprint: Illusory Torrent]

I cloak myself within the water's flow, consuming stamina to move rapidly. When underwater, I can move at high speed. I then hit something with my head, and it hurt. I looked up to see a boat, but I couldn't climb it. Then I felt something wrap around me, and it was Tsu's tongue. She then launched me up, and I landed safely on the boat. It was me, Tsu, and Mineta great. 

"Izuku, are you okay?" Tsu asked, and I nodded. I looked over at Mineta, who was freaking out.

"EEEEK!! They are around us!" He shouted and started to run around the boat.

"Calm down, this isn't the worst situation ever," I told him, and he still flipped out. I looked over and saw that water-type quirks surrounded us.

"We sh-should just sit and wait for the Pros," Mineta said, and he seemed kind of calm.

"We can't just sit and wait for people to save us. We are surrounded, and they are waiting for us to fight," I said, and he started to panic again.

"I'm guessing they don't know what our quirks are because they put you," I pointed at Tsu.

"Here, instead of the fire zone," I said, and she nodded. They both then told me about their quirks. I was thinking of a plan until the boat was cut in half.

"Hurry up! We are getting bored here," A villain said. His quirk was very powerful. 

"They must be waiting for us to get into the water!" I told Tsu and Mineta. I then had a light bulb and told them the plan. 

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