chapter 27

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later that night noah left to go to the school for
a meeting with his football team or something.

miley was in her room most of the time he was gone but she came out and went downstairs to get some water.

noah's mom was in the kitchen cutting up fruit for them tomorrow morning.

miley clearly looked upset
(btw in the movie they never said her name they always just said "mrs.flynn" so in my story i named her alice)

alice-hey honey
miley smiled and said hey
she grabbed her water and sat on one of the stools at the little island bar where alice was cutting fruit on the other side
alice-everything okay?
she said sweetly and smiled
alice-you sure?
miley-not really
alice-what's wrong
miley-noah told me about harvard
alice sighed and hugged miley
"oh honey"
she rubbed her back.

"don't get me wrong,i'm so proud of him and i want him to go wherever is the best for him. and i don't want to be the reason he doesn't go to harvard. it's just we went through so much to get here and our relationship is in such a good place and i don't know if we're gonna do long distance or if we're gonna break up and i really don't want to break up but long distance never works"
she rambled.

"honey it's gonna be okay. you know noah loves you? right?"
miley nodded her head
"honey noah has been a mess. he didn't want to tell you because he didn't want to worry you and he knew you were going to pretend like it didn't bother you. and guess what? he'll come home for holiday breaks and long weekends and you'll fly out there to see him all the time miley. you two can make this work."

miley smiled.
"half of me is okay because i know he's gonna he all sweet and reassure me every two seconds that he loves me and this distance won't change anything. but i think the other half of me is just upset that i won't spend every single day with him the way i do now. i mean we wake up together,drive to school together,come home together,we do everything together. i get sad when he's not here because he had a football practice that ran longer than normal. how am i gonna deal with being across the country from him?"

"honey, you and noah have been close since you were able to talk. noah has always thought the world of you. he's always loved you. and i think once you moved to him,elle,and lee's school he had a hard time seeing other boys hit on you because he has always had a little crush on you. and i know you always had a little one too. but what i'm trying to say is,noah cares about you miley. he loves you. he'd do pretty much everything for you. and i know you're the same way for him. if you're gonna let a little bit of distance come between you two than what does that say about how much you love each other?"

miley looked at her
"you're right. i know you are. it's just a big change"

alice hugged her again.
"but that's what life is all about honey. i know you and noah are gonna get through this."
miley smiled at her.

they heard the front door open
noah was back home.
miley turned her head and he saw her and a smile appeared on his face

she got up off the stool and hugged him
he kissed her forehead
alice-alright well i'm gonna go upstairs for bed. love you guys

"love you"
"love you mom"
they replied.
she went up the stairs and miley and noah stayed in the kitchen.

"how was your football meeting mr.captain"
"it was good"
she smiled
"i love you"
she randomly said.

normally in relationships the word "love" or the three words "i love you" are not used until after a while of dating. but miley and noah used to tell each other they love eachother before they were dating. when they were just best friends they said it to each other all the time. and noah has known that he was in love with miley for a while. she knew she loved him. so that's why they say it.

he laughed.
"i love you more"
she smiled.

My 2nd Family;Noah Flynn Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя