Chapter 51

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Hopes POV
'I'm Theo raeken,I'm looking for the alphas,Sam uley and hope mikealson' he says. Me and Sam look to each other.'We're hope and Sam,what do you want?'I ask.He relaxes 'I heard of the threat of our enemies the cold ones, I also heard of the pack with 2 alphas and 1 was a witch, you guys and I would like to join your pack to help' he says.'Alright but is it just you?' Sam asks 'yes,I never had a pack,I was always alone' he says. 'Well welcome to the pack' I say. Now that he's in the pack everyone can hear him.

Emily's POV
I've been feeling nauseous the last 2 days.I think Ava and Kim are starting to notice. I run to the bathroom and throw up. 'Am I sick or something?' I hear Ava and Kim come and help me.I clean up and walk out. "Are you okay?"Ava asks.Realization hits me,me and Sam had sex last week 'shit'. I think they noticed by my face expression that I realized something. "What is it?" Kim asks "last week, me and Sam did it and forgot a condom" I say worried. "Should you do the test?" Ava asks shocked "maybe that's best and probably now sine they're gone" I say. "I'll go get some"Ava says and leaves to the store.'Oh god'I start stressing. 'Why did this happen when they're busy and in danger' I ask myself. 'Wait if I feel this way, shouldn't Sam? Cause of the imprint? Shit'.

Sams POV
I've been feeling weird the last 2 days. Maybe it's Emily,I should ask her.I can't even get sick,it has to be Emily. Me and Hope tell the guys about Theo and introduce them. 'Right now we're patrolling, why don't you help,we're almost done'I say'sure' he says and everyone scatters off.

Emily's POV
Ava comes back with a couple tests. I head to the bathroom and do 3 tests just to be sure. I leave them in there and walk out and wait. I panic as the 2 minutes are done. "You'll be fine, yes now is a bad time for this but you have all of us to help" Ava says. I agree and walk to the bathroom. I close my eyes and take a deep breath and pick it up. I open my eyes and all of them are....positive.'Ohhh what am I going to tell Sam?Should I tell him?Do I tell the girls it's positive? How—my thoughts get interrupted by a knock."You okay?"Kim asks"what does it say?"Ava asks through the door. I open the door "it's umm positive" I say shocked. "Oh well congratulations?" Kim says unsure if it's a good thing.

Sams POV
We all change back and meet Theo in human form. Of course Leah has been a bitch this whole time. I think theo's got that too.We get to Mine and Emily's. I introduce Ava,Kim and Emily to Theo. I see Emily not looking good and trying to hide what looks like panic. 'Guess I was right' "hey can we talk?"I ask her. She agrees and we walk out.

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