Chapter 36

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A month had passed and only 2 months remained of summer. Ella had seen Draco a few times during the first 2 weeks of summer, him always coming to Snape's house to see her.

Ella sat at the desk in the living room, Snape had gone out hours ago and hadn't returned. She's been doing studying for 5th year as she waited. Suddenly he appeared in the house looking panicked.

"Dad" Ella quickly stood up and went over to him "What's wrong?"

"You need to leave" Snape says hurriedly "now"

"What do you mean I don't understand" Ella asks confused

Snape pushes her "Go-"


"It's too late" Snape mutters

"Dad" Ella says scared

The door opens with much force and in walks a bald very pale man with a weird nose. Ella felt pain go through her scar and she puts her hand over it. It was Voldemort.

"My lord" Snape says pushing Ella back behind him

"Are you hiding the Potter from me?" Voldemort enters the house

Ella holds the back of her father's robes as Voldemort gets closer to them. Through the front door walks Lucius, Narcissa, and Draco. Draco looked fearful but didn't dare to move from his parents.

"Of course not" Snape replies quickly

"Then why hide her behind you?" Voldemort questions walking forward

"I.." Snape looks behind him at Ella

"Father" Ella whimpers

"Because I didn't want you to make quick actions before listening to me" Snape tells him "this Potter.. has been raised" he glances at Ella before looking back at Voldemort "to serve you, she isn't who you think"

"" Voldemort looks at Ella "Is that true? Potter"

"Ella" Snape looks at her "answer the Dark Lord dear"

"..y-yes" Ella nods her head

"Ah.. how wonderfully evil Severus" Voldemort laughs "A Potter turned against the other, how I love it" he stops laughing and looks at the two "well then.. I'll need her arm"

" that really necessary?" Snape asks

"Of course" Voldemort says

Snape grabs Ella's hand and whispers to her "we do what we must to survive"

"Dad" Ella mutters to him

"It'll be alright" Snape tells her

Ella shakes as she held her arm out, Draco closes his eyes and looks away before he heard Ella scream in pain. Draco turns and looks at her as she falls to the ground crying in pain. He quickly runs to her and wraps his arms around her.

Snape looks down in shame, knowing that his job led to this. When he took in Ella he should've took percussions for this very event, but his negligence caused this. After awhile the pain subsided and Ella was left alone in the room with Draco as the adults went with Voldemort to discuss things.

Draco held Ella as she cried into his shoulder, she held onto Draco very tightly not wanting to let go. She was a death ether, Ella Potter, was a death eater.

Ella Potter (Draco Malfoy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora