Chapter 9

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Zane didn't feel any noticeable change the next morning. None of his limbs disintegrated and no other syringes appeared practically from thin air, leaving him with even less of a finger.

It was entirely possible that the serum could have done nothing. Marcus had mentioned some sort of gene-altering technology. Perhaps his genes could be altered no more. Perhaps this new technology had done all it could for Zane.

Zane slowly clambered from his bed. In the process, his foot caught in a tangle of blankets, and he slipped from the satin sheet. He yelped as his feet and hands grappled for purchase on the slick surface but found none. He slid to the floor, and the carpet did nothing to cushion the fall against the steel underneath. He grunted when his tailbone struck the floor and let loose a string of curses Mallory would have been proud of.

He sat up, rubbing his rear, as Marcus charged in, his hands formed into vicious bear claws. They were wickedly long and sharp and looked ready to tear flesh from bone. Zane felt the sudden urge to back away. The fur from Marcus's hands, or paws, was spreading up his arms slowly.

Marcus saw him lying on the floor. The procession of transforming into a bear slowed, and the fur began to recede down his forearms. "You alright, mate?" he asked, concern scrawled across his face. Strands of his red hair peeked out from beneath his ever-present cowboy hat. His green eyes were a startling emerald color as he looked Zane up and down.

Zane rose to his feet, nodding. His tailbone ached as he stood. He felt the syringe weighing heavier in his pocket than the night before. He grimaced.

Marcus tipped the front of his hat to Zane, who found it oddly flattering. Then the other boy turned heel and strode from the room. A strange clicking followed him out. Zane cocked his head. How on earth had he gotten spurs? Zane chuckled mirthlessly as he heard the rhythmic clanking of the spurs fade. He really had to have a talk to Marcus about acceptable indoor footwear. And to downplay the cowboy look a little bit. At some times, it was overwhelming.

Zane didn't even bother to change clothes from the day before. He exited the bedroom and headed straight for the communal sitting area, occupied by everyone but Daisy. Zane scoffed. "How could she sleep to such an extent yesterday, and still manage to sleep longer than the rest of us?" Zane demanded.

Mallory shrugged, which was becoming a defining factor Zane would use to describe her. "I swear to god she freaking hibernates," she said, glaring daggers at Daisy's door, as if expecting to intimidate it so it spit a sleeping Daisy out. But no matter how long or fiercely she glared at it, it did not budge.

Marcus chuckled. "I may be the one who can transform into any animal, but even she's more of a bear than me." He smiled and Zane found himself smiling along.

Zane sunk into a particularly comfy chair. He looked across the room and his eyebrows drew together from confusion. "Was that door there yesterday?" he asked curiously, pointing to a tall door right next to the kitchen.

The other three whipped their heads around to see the door. It was sunken in, as if a panel of the wall had lifted up into the ceiling, revealing a secret passage. "What do you think it is?" Joseph inquired. Zane had no answer for him. Zane had no answer for anybody right now. Joseph had donned an azure long-sleeve which complemented his eyes wonderfully. His clear, sky blue eyes. Zane hadn't noticed before, but Joseph had acquired a simple silver ring, which he wore on his right pinkie. The same finger where Zane was missing the first knuckle.

Mallory turned to look at them, and her nose piercing flashed. "Well, don't sit there like drunken alley cats! Let's go see what it is!" she spat at them fiercely. The viciousness of her words caused them to rocket up from their chairs and dash for the door. "That's better." Mallory clapped and followed them toward the strange structure.

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