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Anxiously, Roseanne clutched the sleeve of her father's shirt in her small fists as she hid behind the pillar

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Anxiously, Roseanne clutched the sleeve of her father's shirt in her small fists as she hid behind the pillar.

Her breathing was uneven and tears were brimming at the edge of her eyes. She had finally managed to escape the curious and furious stares of some strangers. Only good thing of this situation was that no one approached her, yet.

She had finally dared to relax and all of a sudden, the music stopped. The abrupt death like silence made her freeze.



Roseanne shrieked in response and appeared in front of everyone in the very next second.

"Daddy!" She screamed, running towards her father with her arms wide open, in the centre of hall.

"I am scared, daddy." She whimpered. Her arms clutched her father's legs tightly in fear. Everything was too scary for the little girl. The situation reminded her of the time when she was living with Amara and her stepfather....

She squeezed her eyes shut as tears rolled down her cheeks seemingly in endless way.

A moment later, she lifted her teary eyes open to look at her father's face and suddenly the expressions of her face changed from sadness to fear, when her eyes made contact with Alexandros' fuming one.


Unstoppable tears streamed down her cheeks, her bottom lip quivered badly as she stood there in the corner of her and her father's room staring at the wall ahead of her.

Alexandros was sitting on the bed. His eyes were glaring holes at the back of Roseanne's head.


After a half an hour, he looked down at his watch.

"Come here kid.." He called but no reply came from Roseanne.

"Kid!" Alexandros growled angrily when Roseanne again did not answer. Her whole body was shaking same like that lifeless leaf in the middle of December's freezing cold night.

Alexandros started feeling something strange in his chest and moved forward near her.

He placed his heavy hand on her shaking shoulder.

"ROSA!" He called her name loudly. A frightened feeling gripped the strings of his heart when suddenly her legs gave out. Her body was about to fall down on ground but Alexandros was quick to catch her.

He picked her up in his arms and took her towards the bed. He laid her down on it and rubbed her still shaking and cold hands.

"Zeus!" He yelled but got no response.

"ZEUS! YOU FUCKING BASTARD! COME HERE!!!" Alexandros roared loudly in anger.

Door was burst open. Zeus ran inside with a death like pale face.

"Bos--" He stopped when his eyes fell on Roseanne and he rushed to her.

"Fix.her!" Alexandros gritted. With that he stormed outside. When he was out of sight, Ryker and twins- Fawn and Dawn and the other gang members entered inside too. They all looked panicked and frightened.

Alexandros anger was something that they could not just get used to.

Some minutes later, Roseanne woke up. This time she was wailing loudly. Her heart was aching. She wanted nothing but her father by her side. She wanted him to comfort her. To tell her that he forgave her and he was not angry at her. That he loved his Rosa.

On the other side, Alexandros was busy torturing Amara and Jameson. The pain and anger that was bubbling inside his chest could not melt.

Alexandros growled loudly in anger and punched the wall in front of him.


I should hate her. I should not care about her. Just like I have done in the past.

So why do I feel strange? Why I cannot see her getting hurt? The simple thought of her getting hurt is making my heart crush.

Why am I unable to hate her?

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