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"UH, COME IN," CONNOR says in a sleepy tone of voice. The two of you stand on the veranda of his house as icy snow hits your shoulders. Connor yawns and shuts his front door behind you with a quiet click.

You watch him as he rubs his eyes, "You seem tired, Connor. Are you going to bed now?"

He nods and walks into his loungeroom where he plops himself on the end of his couch and begins taking off his jacket, "Yep. We've had a long day, huh Y/N?" He yawns, for the eleventh time this evening, and places his jacket on his lap.

With intense eyes, you watch as he begins to unbutton the cuffs of his tight shirt and roll his sleeves up to his forearms, revealing pale, lightly freckled skin.

It's like someone has taken a paintbrush and spent hours freckling his skin... It's beautiful.


You blink slowly. "...We have."

Connor sighs tiredly and unbuttons the first four buttons at the top of his shirt, revealing his collarbones. He stands up, rolls his shoulders, and yawns -- yes, again. When he turns to face you, his eyes widen a fraction as he realizes just how closely you've been watching him.

"Right," he clears his throat, "you're welcome to do whatever. One of the guest bedrooms is just down the hall, there, if you'd like to spend your time there," he nods in the general direction.

"Okay," you say bluntly. "Thank you."

He smiles awkwardly."Alrighty then, I'm gonna get dressed and go to sleep... Night, Y/N." He ruffles his hair and, with a second small smile, disappears into his room.

You stare after him, your mind blank. You can hear him opening drawers or a wardrobe in his room, but other than that, the house is silent. Something about being left alone in his house makes you uneasy and you're not sure how to spend the night.

Of course, there's always the option to turn on stand-by mode for the night until the early morning.

But, then again, did you want to miss your chance to learn more about Connor?

With a small smile on your face, you make your way around his house. His living room is mostly empty asides from a large, white leather couch and a television. A bookshelf is tucked away in the corner and you approach it, curiously.

Oh? The Detective seems to be a fan of romance and horror novels... Separately, of course, because a horror-romance novel sounds like a bad combination.

You run your fingers across the spines of the books and move away from the shelf to a cabinet near the kitchen. It's made out of hardwood timber and has a marble top, one that definitely would've cost quite a bit of money... It makes you wonder.

A few photos in frames are scattered about the cabinet, some of Connor and Hank, but others of a familiar face.

You freeze.

Amanda Stern? The Amanda in your zen garden?

How... does Connor know her?

Suddenly, as if he's been summoned, Connor's door opens and he appears in the living room soon after. You whip around to face him, eyes wide as he catches you snooping around his house red-handed.

"Connor," you say, frozen and still holding the picture of Amanda, "you're still awake."

Your LED stutters between blue and yellow.

ANGELEYES, dbh connorजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें