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Jungkook stepped towards the all too familiar ok wood door with a title sign right outside.

"Deans office" it read.

His hand formed a first as he brought it up and erupted two knocks, that sounded through the wood frame of the door.

"Come in!" A well known voice said as he opened the door stepping one foot inside.

He bowed to the dean and to the unfamiliar presence of a girl who was in front of the deans chair.

She stood up as he came in and slightly bowed before sitting back down.

He had a questionable glance as he had no idea who this woman sitting in the chairs was, and why he was called here.

"Ah Jungkook ah." The dean started as the said mans attention diverted so.

He motioned for him to take a seat and he did as quietly as possible, next to unknown female.

"Ahh right I should probably introduce you both." Mr.Sung, the dean started as he looked between the two.

"Jungkook ssi, this is Kim Jisoo. She came here especially to ask a favour if you based on your grades" he started as Jungkook tilted to face her direction so he wouldn't come off as rude.

He slightly tilted his head wanting to know what it was.

Then the woman spoke up.

"Well Jungkook ssi, we heard you playing yesterday or so at the concert hall. We as in our company. Either way, you know Jennie ssi right?" She started as Jungkook nodded familiarised with the said girl.

Jisoo continued with her deep voice as she spoke in a business tone.

"Well? She's just set to leave on a 7 month international classical music tour, tomorrow. Competitions and concerts included. Well, for the concert side, our violinist just got into a minor accident injuring his arm. He will be fine and back with time, but we don't have that.." she started as the completely oblivious Jungkook had no idea where she was going with this, or better yet why she was telling him this.

"So, based on your performance and ratings, we wanted to recruit you. We know the university would pay for your expenses with the school fee that you pay, since you won't be attending classes, and additional expenses will be covered by us.

All Other professional violinists were either not in the time frame or they weren't approved. Please Jungkook ssi, I'm begging you to consider.

We have to leave by tomorrow night and you're our last chance.

You won't be alone if that's what you might be worried about. It's a choir of instruments with 10 other violinists playing background for Jennie.

She's the main star after all, you'll be in the back ground and we can teach you so much through a moving group. It'll help you see the show biz side of classical music and you may have multiple different opportunities.

I'm not forcing you, none of us are, just consider and get back to us by tonight max" she finished as she faced the confused and frazzled Jungkook.

The dean already had discussed this so he knew of the terms, and they were just waiting for his answer.

"Here is my business card, call me when you have decided" she said as she handed him a card.

He read the card title and her name.

'De capo

Classical music company

Artist Manager,
Kim Jisoo'

He scanned it as if he were reading multiple words, but in fact he was reading between the lines.

As she said, the opportunity was great and he would learn so much.

Meeting people from all over the world, seeing how classical music affects each differently.

Getting to okay on different stages all the time, go around the world to different countries.

Especially from working with one of the biggest names in the music industry.

Already, Jennie had taught him a lesson unintentionally about living what he did.

He wanted to know more about that.

He also wanted to know more about her words, of giving herself a 5.

Was she not passionate of her career?

Did being famous for what she did ruin her liking of what she did?

Was there more to her story than just the first layer of what is revealed every night.

Was her expression hiding a dark truth under neath.
He was curious.

About every thing.

And that drew him more and more into the offer.

He was so tempted to know all the answers to the quotations.

He may have not been showing how he felt physically on the outside.

His heart was pounding against his chest the whole time.

He sat there blankly.

He did think of the cons as well however.

Although that would mean leaving his family for 6 months, always being on the road.

Sure he would make great friends, but what of those here?

Also, sleeping in a different hotel room every single night, that would be hard getting adjusted to.

He realised that this was the life of one travelling musician, and he would experience that same thing if he does so.

He already was aware this was not a vacation, and that sometimes he wouldn't have time to sight see even a little.

He knew that.

Yet he was drawn to the appeal.

The thought of spreading his notes, no matter the weight of his part.

Just spreading it as he played for a different crowd every night.

The thought excited him.

The thought of people may be getting excited or happy with his music seduced his thoughts towards the tour.

He knew it would be long and draining both physically and yet mentally.

And what did Jeon Jungkook choose as his ultimatum of a choice in the end?

To go.

Jisoo sighed as she saw him thinking as she gathered her things and put them into her small black dior purse.

She stood up and smoothed out her dark blue skirt before bowing to the dean.

She began to walk out but paused as she heard him speak again, and it felt as if she was saved.

"I'll do it"

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