Chapter 20

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I don't know how she did it. How she woke up everyday, roamed around the house knowing that most of these men have guns or dangerous weapons on them.

How does she move around and be so cheerful.

I will never know..


The club was filled with bodies and bodies dancing their bodies off. I tried to back off into a corner. 

Parties and clubs weren't for me. They were too loud and crowdy. My anxiety was coming but I had to control myself.

Kieandra forced me after a lot of persuading and I hated to say no to her so I agreed. I agreed in the short dress she forced me to wear that was hardly covering me. 

I don't know where she was. She left me in the first 30 minutes of coming here. The music. The people. The smell. 

I was starting to get tired of staying standing so I moved to the bar stool next to me. I watched the people around me dance against each other. They made out. They drank. A lot.

I wanted to go home. To the home I was forced to live. To the home where my so called husband and his family live. In these past few weeks I have started to feel much more comfortable with his family. 

Dante has been surprisingly nice to me these past weeks. I have not really spoken to him much but when he does speak he doesn't speak in that threating voice he used when we first met.

I am not sure about him. I'm pretty sure my whole life will be spent loveless like this. Spent by being trapped.

When Dante realises that I am not home, he will go crazy. I can't blame Kieandra because she will seriously get in trouble. I will just have to fight with Dante.

He won't be happy.

"What is a beautiful lady like yourself doing here by yourself?" A male voice bought me out of my thoughts. I looked at the man in front.

Blonde hair. Blue eyes. Regular smirk. Cocky very much.

I looked him up and down before rolling my eyes at the typical pick up line.

"Not interested" I waved him off as I started to look around for Kieandra.

Suddenly I am grabbed by the waist roughly by the same guy. I shrieked in disgust as I tried to get his hands away from me.

"I will fuck you so hard baby" His disgusting breath on my neck as he tried kissing me. 

"Leave me" I moved continuously in his arms. I let out a large scream unaware of what this man would do.

Where's Dante. Shit. I shouldn't have even come out. What have I done. Dante. Dante. Where are you.

I felt a stinging feeling on my cheek which was caused by a hard hit. "Shut up Bitch. Come with me" I tried to pull away as he tried to take me up the stairs before a large gun shot echoed through the room.

Everyone screamed as they ducked down to not get injured. Fear shot through me. Please be Dante. Please. My now red teary eyes glanced around the club to find Dante.

There stood Matteo, Alessandro, Toni and lastly my husband. Dante. There they stood with a gun pointed at the people at the club but Dante pointed it to the man next to me.

His face. He was angry. His glare scared me. A whimper left my mouth as more tears rolled down my face. 

I quickly ran to Dante as I hid behind him. He didn't say anything but walked towards the now frightened man who had assaulted me.

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