Chapter 9

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Malarvizhi pov:

I took leave for two days. No one in my family asked about my hand burnt reasons, although they know this burnt is serious nu.... But no response from them. Only Ananthi maa asked me. I said to her everything. And she is the one who take care of me. Starts from feeding me and too many things....

After 2 days I can able to use hand somewhat. So I attend the office. Like wise one month is going to end.
But lastly my parents I mean my whole family is busy for some things. Which I couldn't pin point.

Today I asked her what is the matter. She said "your sister is going to get engaged in coming two days". What.... But I don't know. I too asked ma if she knows prior to me ha . She said no, as she got the information today only. So she shared to me.... Uff nice family....

I came out of the kitchen, as its already evening so everyone will present in home only, I asked dad "Is priya is going to get engaged in 2 days".... He just noded his head, while using the phone. The nerveth of this man!!!!

"why are you not informing me" I asked him....

"Because we don't want you to present there as simple as it is!!!!!" said my devil sister.


"Are you that dumb, I don't want you to attend the engagement, because loook at you. You look big, and everyone will mock the bride too as she will also becomes like her. Because of you everyone called me as motti's sister, how awkward it is to hear. Do you know it. Such an useless, unwanted girl you are here. Just get away from her. Never show your face for engagement. I try to invite you for the marriage. Attend the wedding and have some more foods. Get more big..... Fatty, pig, useless girl"she spatted at me.... What the fuck is she saying... Such a childish character I have never seen in my whole life......

"We don't want you to attend the engagement, that's it!" dad said to me.

Who cares them..... I just entered my room. And cried my heart out for 5 mins. Who says crying is mistake. In my view, I can able to free my stress that's it..... Nothing more.... After that I started to read some books.....

Engagement day

Today is the engagement for priya. As they don't want me attend the function, so I too don't going to attend it. Today is Saturday, so it's leave for me. Everyone gone in the morning itself for the engagement hall, as the groom books for them. Actually the engagement has to be done by the girl side. But the groom want to do it by themselves like it seems. Mmmmm. Not even going to spend the single penny for priya it seems. Hahaaaaa.....

As a single part of me wanted to attend my sister function. Because she is my sister after all. Saying this I started to wear the normal dress. I just want to attend the function just for 5 mins. That too am not going to meet any of my sis in laws. So I will prefer normal chudithar itself....

I used the dupatta to cover my head. As I don't want to seen by my family. If they see me commotion will start... I don't have that much energy with me..... I just travel by cab. I entered the hall and stand at the end. Perfect timing, the soon to be groom and bride started to exchange the garlands.... I couldn't able to see the groom face, because of the video coverage guys. I just saw my sister who looks flawless in her traditional attire... Mmmm it's her day.... I don't want to stand there anymore. I came out and called krithi. I want to share these news with her. Because I feel heavy these days as like an so lonely feeling. If only, I have someone dearly who could I call mine💓.... But is it possible for me.... I know the answer for it which is no..... Because I had heard many members saying that "only the inner beauty is required, as the outer beauty will lost it charm by years go" but thats only an words saying nothing more. No one will ever look at me and love me for me.... And I don't want tooo....

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