Bonus Chapter - The Wedding

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Prom was usually a symbol of the end of things. It was the time for farewells and, like most, I thought that this might be the time we all gathered together for the foreseeable future.

I wouldn't have predicted that we'd be invited to a wedding that very summer.

The announcement of Mr Bennett's upcoming nuptials with Jenny's mother had been a surprise to me, but Beth and Jenny, it seemed, had suspected that there might be something between them for some time. Given her mother's nature for remarrying wealthy men, I felt sure that this event would cause her some anxiety, but her longstanding relationship with Jenny and her mother ensured that this was not the case.

Indeed, that she and Jenny would finally be real sisters seemed to offset any nerves she may have otherwise had.

My own mother had a hand in arranging things and offered them Pemberley as a location for the wedding. I'd thought there might be more to it than that, given that she spent a great deal of time on the phone to the pair of them, but I wouldn't pry. They weren't my parents, and it was none of my business. As long as Beth was happy, that was all that mattered to me.

It was only the second time I'd seen Beth in a dress and, in my personal opinion, she outshone the bride. I knew better than to say as much, but I made no secret of the fact that I couldn't keep my eyes off her throughout the ceremony. I couldn't help but hope we might be able to sneak away during the reception and I could tell her just how beautiful she was without anyone to hear us.

The wedding party retired to the house immediately after the ceremony to take a breather and ready themselves for dinner, speeches, all the expected things that a bride and groom must do after publicly declaring their undying love for one another. Rather than hang around waiting on Beth like a man who couldn't function without his girlfriend present, I mingled with the other guests, greeting Beth's surfer friends, members of Jenny's extended family, and other acquaintances who wanted to know all about who I was and how I knew the couple.

It hadn't escaped my notice that Freddie had been invited. I knew that this must have been Beth's doing and that there was very little I could do about his presence. It didn't stop me from cornering my cousin and telling him, 'If you flirt with Beth at this thing, I'll punch you again, Freddie.'

'Cousin, would I do such a thing?'

'Yes, as easily as breathing.'

He smiled. 'Beth will always be mon ange, but she was always your amour. I am happy for you.'

'Please,' I scoffed, 'you made it clear enough that you had your eye on Beth at Christmas.'

'Oui, because you were not the man for her. Now, you are. I am glad to see it, cousin. But, I will be here if you do not make her happy.'

'I intend to make her happy for the rest of my life.'

Freddie dropped his hand on my shoulder. 'Then you have nothing to fear, non?'


As he walked away, I couldn't help but smile. At Christmas, I hadn't been anything like the man that Beth had deserved. Had Freddie not taken her out, I never would have told Beth how I felt that day. Naturally, it had been a disaster. It had been too soon for me to understand how important she was, how much more she deserved than the arrogant man who'd stood before her on that driveway in Paris. But, if we'd not shared that terrible moment, I might not have realised my own faults.

We may never have made it as far as we had.

For that, I would be grateful to my cousin.

The party continued on and I soon grew tired of mingling. Missing Beth, I sought her out in the crowd. She and Jenny were together and looking on as Freddie introduced himself to Meg. Apparently, this sight brought them enough joy that they were deep in conversation about how perfect they'd be together. Ignorant of my presence, they enthused about him together as I approached.

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