「 Chapter 20 」

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Sunlit clouds drifted across the sky while tree branches danced in the balmy wind. The office was pleasantly illuminated by gentle sunbeams infiltrating the opened windows. As he stared outside, Matthew could have sworn something was watching him.

He shook the thought out of his head, turning his attention to the blank notepad on his desk. After pensively clicking his pen a few times, he began scribbling:

Pros of turning Maddie into a direwolf :

Mate-bond, mind-link, pups, increase her strength, increase her lifespan

Cons of turning Maddie into a direwolf :

Cat might refuse to get out of her, no more drunk Maddie

He stared at the list contemplatively. There were more pros than cons, but was it worth it? "She's so cute when she's drunk though-"

"Matthew!" His mate's voice nearly made him jump out of his skin.

She sauntered into his office, holding a bouquet of roses. His eyebrows furrowed when he noticed the flowers in her hands. Had somebody else given her roses? The thought was vexing; only he should be giving her such gifts.

"I brought them for you."

His head tilted to the side, bemused. "... For me?"

"When I was visiting Nathan earlier, I realized that most men only ever receive flowers after they die, and it made me really sad. You always bring them for me, but you deserve to get flowers too."

Matthew studied the girl with an inscrutable expression for a moment, before leaning back into his chair and patting his thigh. "Come here."

As soon as she got close enough, he pulled her onto his lap with one arm, grabbing her face with his other hand. "What are y-"

She didn't have time to finish her words before his lips pressed against hers roughly. Sparks ignited all across their skin, sending waves of pleasure throughout their bodies. No matter how many times they had made out, Matthew could not get enough of her; his hands moved down to her waist and pulled her even closer while he continued his assault on her lips, ravishing her addictive taste.

A small whimper escaped her, pleading for air. Reluctantly, he pulled away, both of their chests rising heavily from the intensity of the kiss. Her face was beet-red as she shyly looked down at the roses in her hands, trying to catch her breath.

"Um... Do you like them?"

"I love them." He planted another kiss on the top of her head. "Thank you, angel."

A rustling near the windows caught their attention. Though it went away quickly, Matthew managed to catch a glimpse of a black tail. That damn cat.

"Stay here," He said, getting up and placing Madeline on his chair. Quietly walking over to the window, he peered down at the bushes below. Sure enough, a familiar creature sat there, staring at him with wide eyes. "I knew it. You've been stalking us all week."

He swiftly reached down, grabbing the cat by its scruff. Unlike the previous time, Mittens offered no resistance, letting himself be carried back into his office.

Matthew raised a brow. "I see you're finally cooperating with-"

His breath hitched when he looked back at Madeline. She was holding his notepad in her hands, reading the list with a confused expression.

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