Chapter 5

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The two of them ran through Port Royal making it to the prison. Most of the other soldiers were out dealing with the mess the pirates made, so there were hardly any guards to block them from getting inside the prison to meet with Jack. They opened the door to get in and ran down the steps to get to his cell. In the keyhole was a broken bone. Obviously, Sparrow was trying to get out before they arrived. He lied on the floor in an inconspicuous way as Will and (Y/n) approached him.

"You. Sparrow." Will said.

"Aye" the pirate said back, lifting his head.

"You are familiar with that ship, the Black Pearl?" Will asked.

Jack put his head back down and said, "I've 'eard of it."

"Where does it make berth?"

"Where does it make berth? Have you not heard the stories?" Jack asked, looking up at the two. They gave him a confused look, and Jack put his head back down again. "Captain Barbossa and his crew of miscreants sail from the dreaded Isla de Muerta." Jack said this with the sarcasm dripping from his voice. Whoever Barbossa was, Jack obviously had a personal vendetta against him. "It is an island that cannot be found, except... by those who already know where it is."

"The ship's real enough. Therefore it's anchorage must be a real place." (Y/n) concluded. Jack looked up at her and smiled his basic pirate smile, although (Y/n) would never admit to the butterflies that emerged when he grinned at her.

"Where is it?" Will asked, breaking her trance.

"Why ask me?" Jack inquired, studying his nails.

"Because you're a pirate." Will said as if it were obvious.

"And you both want to turn pirate yourselves, now. Is that it? She'd make a wonderous pirate, I can tell. You, boy... eh." Jack said, gesturing to the girl beside Will, who was glaring daggers at him.

Will pushed hard on the bars of the cell, and with a dangerously calm voice, said, "Never". Jack went back to being seemingly uninterested, and Will backed up a bit, giving in his reasons. "They took Miss Swann."

"Oh! So it is that you've found a girl! I see." Jack said. He turned to (Y/n) and said, "And what about you, luv? What's in it for you, eh?"

"I just want my best friend safe. If making a deal with a pirate is the price I have to pay, so be it." (Y/n) told him. It wasn't entirely a lie. Yes, (Y/n) did want to see Elizabeth safe, but she also wanted to see what it would be like on the open seas, on a grand adventure, away from the basic day to day bore of Port Royal.

Jack didn't buy her little fib. He could see in her eyes the wild kelpie needing to be set free, not tamed by society. He liked that about the girl. There was something different about her that made her special.

"Whatever you say, luv." Jack said, then turned back to Will. "Well, if your intending to brave all, hasten to rescue, and so win fair lady's heart, you'll have to do it alone, mate. I see no profit in it for me."

"I can get you out of here." Will told him.

"How's that? The key's run off." Jack said, meaning the dog which held the keys had run during the attack. (Y/n) always found the dog so damn cute. She always wanted to pet it and give it a treat.

She was a sucker for dogs. Can you blame her?

"I helped build these cells. These are half-pin barrel hinges." Will said, pointing to the hinges on the door. He reached back and grabbed a bench nearby, placing the legs in the bottom holes of the cell. "With the right leverage, and the proper application of strength, the door will lift free."

A Pirate's Life For Me: Captain Jack SparrowWhere stories live. Discover now