Never giving up on You (Part 1)

2.2K 119 38

Tags: First Love/ Possessiveness/ Toxic-to-Healthy/Second chances

Word Count: 4k

"So, anything interesting happening? You guys were enjoying the conversation. "

"What conversation, Laksh, he barely said a hello to me."


"Yeah," Khanak sighs, trying to tie her hair into a bun as they walk side by side, the keys dangling in her finger eager to tangle themselves in her hair.

"And what about that friend of yours from yesterday? You.... you guys were hugging, weren't you?" Lakshay asks, taking the keys from her so that she can freely work her hair into a bun.

His voice is shaky and nervous. It irks Khanak's nerve but she pushes it behind in favour of putting up a smile.

"Ah, he isn't my friend, just a colleague. Yours too. Our ex-team manager, Sushant. He just got promoted."

Lakshay nods though a conflicted expression stays put on his face still.

Khanak sighs, swallowing thickly. "It... wasn't a hug, Laksh. I don't know from where you got the idea but I just patted him on his shoulder. To congratulate him." Khanak clarifies, the need for explanation paining her.

She can't help but add, "But... Laksh, you need to stop being jealous of every other person who talks to me. I need people around me who are not you, right?" she asks and sees as he nods immediately, a guilty yet relieved expression overtaking his features.

She tugs at his arm once she's done with her hair, slides her hand down into his, and sighs when she feels his limbs tensed.

"You're not like those possessive boyfriends, are you? The ones who go crazy seeing their partner hanging out with someone other than themselves," she asks, very well knowing the answer to that question.



"That's good. I don't like those people, especially when it is someone who I am in a relationship with, stopping their partner to do what they want to do and sticking to their side 24/7."

Lakshay immediately releases her hand at that, looking anywhere but at her, feeling, what Khanak reckons guilty. Yet again.


"You're not like them; I'm proud of you." Khanak praises, even if the words aren't true. At all.

"Come on, let's go home." She announces and makes her way to her car while Lakshay is left staring at her back, standing still at his spot.

Khanak turns back when she realises Lakshay is not walking with her, and suddenly, she knows why not.

But before he can say anything, she does.

"What happened, Laksh? Do you still have some work to do? I mean, it's only reasonable; you're the company supervisor while I'm still the office manager. That reminds me, ideally I should call you sir while still on the office grounds." She lets out a slight chuckle.

"So, sir, it's ok if you have work to finish you can go home la -"

"It's - it's not that." Lakshay interrupts her and Khanak pauses in her laughter.

"I was thinking that maybe we can go home in my car. I just got it cleaned yesterday." He says, and she gives him a small smile, but it doesn't rest on her face for too long. She doesn't want to encourage him or add fuel to the fire after all.

"Darling, you and I live in the opposite corners of the city. I know that we're dating, but you don't have to worry about me all the time. I'm capable enough to go home by myself."

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