Chapter 5

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"Thank you Mary, that will be all." The maid curtsied and left the small room that Jane and Elizabeth shared at the Gardiner's house.

There was no chair in front of the small mirror that hung on the wall, so the Bennet sisters sat on the bed to take their hair down. Unless they looked in the mirror or had someone help them, their hair would end up in a tangled mess.

"Now tell me your real thoughts, Lizzy." Jane sat on the bed with one leg bent in front of her. Her head was at an angle as Jane pulled apart her hairstyle.

"Tell you my thoughts about what? I have many thoughts about a great variety of subjects. You will have to specify which thoughts you would like to hear." Elizabeth smiled as she brushed her hair sitting on the bed facing Jane.

Jane eyed Elizabeth. "Lizzy, you only do that when you do not want to talk about a subject. Was the employment agency that bad?"

Elizabeth let out a groan. "It was worse, Jane. It was much worse." Elizabeth slammed the hairbrush down on the bed. "I have never been treated so horribly in my life! There were not enough chairs for the women to sit on. The woman at the first desk was rude, and the other woman in the office was worse. I still do not know who that woman was, even though I asked. How could an agency such as that find employment for gentlewomen when they do not have the background themselves?"

"Keep your voice down, Lizzy, the children are trying to go to sleep."

Lizzy picked up her hairbrush and ran it through her hair. The act of brushing her long hair at night normally soothed her and helped her relax for bed, but not tonight.

"Well, it is an agency," said Jane, "and the majority of gentlewomen do not seek employment. Perhaps you went to the wrong agency? Could this one have just been for servants?"

Elizabeth shook her head. "I do not know. Though the office woman did ask if I had come regarding the governess position, so I imagine I was in the correct office."

Jane ran the brush through her hair two more times before she spoke again. "Do you have an interview with a family?"

Elizabeth's brush strokes had become longer and softer. "Yes, it is with the Earl of Bremont's family. They have a townhouse in Mayfair and are looking for a gentlewoman to instruct their daughter in proper society behavior."

Jane leaned over and touched Elizabeth's leg. "That is wonderful! It is exactly what you have been looking for."

Elizabeth smiled and said, "Yes it is. However after the agency visit, I wonder if their standards will match mine. I do not want to be employed as a governess to anyone like the women employed at that agency."

"You will have to go to the interview and see. You could always turn down the position if you find something lacking. Do you know when you would start if the interview goes well?" Jane parted her hair and brushed a new section.

Elizabeth shook her head while she fingered the handle of her hairbrush. "No, that was not brought up. I would imagine the family would want me to start immediately. Perhaps the next day, even."

Darcy's Cinderlla - A Pride and Prejudice VariationWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt