16 🗡 Water Link

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Ripples appeared at the wide pond in front of the Temple of Evening Sky as the night breeze blew. Ace and Oreo remained standing behind the witch who was slumped along the pond as she tried to form a water link with Dana. She had been continuously doing the yin gestures with a deadpan expression on her face. Her mind was cluttered with various thoughts and uneasiness filled her heart. Talking to Mr. Qin Fu answered some of the things that Meili wondered about, but it also resulted to more questions.

Dana, she called out in her mind, but there was still no image in the water.

Meanwhile, the two guys sat on the ground a few paces behind Meili. Being unable to help their friend return to her world was quite frustrating. But there was nothing they could do except to guide and support the witch while she was in their world.

"I still can't believe that Mr. Qin Fu was transported to Chun Empire before," Oreo mumbled. "Did the former librarian notice anything different from Mr. Qin Fu when he came back from the conference?'

"Yes. She used to joke around that she would never attend that particular conference because it takes away people's youth," Ace replied. "I recall her telling me that Mr. Qin Fu looked like he aged a lot when he came back. Now I know why. His body aged for three years in Chun Empire even though only seventy two days passed in our world."

"I wonder why Dana's body remained in our world."

"That's the question that I'm nervous about. The library head's experience is different compared to what Meili and Dana are going through. Something's definitely wrong."

Oreo yawned and lay on the grass, his arms folded beneath his head as he stared at the dark sky. The arrival of the witch bamboozled his once peaceful life. Unimaginable things just kept on popping up, as though testing how far he could take before he was driven to madness. But admittedly, despite the embarrassments and the frightening things that Meili was putting them through, having the witch was quite enjoyable.

His eyes slid to his friend beside him when he heard him chuckle. "What's funny?" he asked.

"I just imagined you being summoned to Chun Empire," Ace answered while snickering.

Oreo abruptly sat up, widening his eyes at his friend. "You find that hilarious? That's not funny. That's terrifying!"

"But I think you'll be able to survive."

"Without hamburgers?" Oreo exclaimed incredulously. Aside from cellphone and electricity, he couldn't imagine lasting a month without eating hamburgers. His priorities were a bit twisted and he knew it. But hell, hamburger is life.

"They also have animals there," his friend reasoned.

"Yes, and I have to hunt those motherfuckers before I can eat meat!" The biggest living thing he killed was a cockroach using his shoes as his murder weapon, and that was when he was a kid. Nowadays, he already felt superior by killing ants. If he were to hunt something bigger than the palm of his hand, that animal would surely sense his fear and he'd be the one running for his dear life.

"Besides, even if I can buy the ingredients, do you think I can create it from scratch? Dude, no. As far as I know, anything that I put in my mouth has been magically created for my consumption."

Ace's laughter increased in volume as he pictured the disaster that would surely unfold if his friend were to be transported to Chun Empire. Oreo was rowdy and could never survive without his strong opinions. Judging from Meili's behavior, one could surmise that Chun Empire had strict rules of etiquette. And whenever there were 'rules', expect Oreo to break them. It seemed like his friend's immediate execution would indeed be the most probable ending.

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