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October 20, 1995

Her fingers trailed across my collarbone, the warmth of her fingertips traveling over my skin. She raised her deep brown eyes and stared into my own. I gulped, my heart beat rapidly increasing. She dragged her dark hands down over my shirt, lower, and lower...


"Just leave her, she'll wake up at some point." Millicent grumbled, shutting the dorm room door behind herself forcefully. Daphne scoffed at this, and I heard the soft tapping of Daphne's shoes as she walked toward my bed.

I hurriedly buried my head into my pillow once again, relaxing my body and forcing myself to still. Daphne moved my deep emerald curtains aside, I could tell what she was doing by the soft rustling they made, and shook my shoulder gently.

"Pansy? Pansy?" She whispered into the dark. I remained frozen and silent, desperate for her to leave me alone. She sighed, and tried again, to no avail. After about a minute or so, I heard the soft tapping of her shoes exiting the room. I sighed in relief, rolling over in my bed onto my back.

Flashes of my dream replayed themselves over and over in my memory, and I felt my skin flush hot. Her softly coiled hair brushed against my forehead as her full lips kissed my own, pulling me closer to her. The kiss was soft at first, cautious and calculated, but slowly grew more hungry and desperate. Her angular hands cradled the side of my head as she pulled me closer, so, so close...

I squinted my eyes tightly and willed myself to stop thinking of the dream, clutching my pillow over my head. I sighed, realizing I would be late to breakfast if I didn't get out of bed right now. I reluctantly pulled myself out of bed, my thoughts rather... occupied. I hastily checked the wristwatch that sat by my bed, realizing I wouldn't even be able to make it to the Great Hall in time for breakfast. Sighing, and newly aware of my growling stomach, I pulled on my uniform and brushed my teeth.

I bent down to lift my leather satchel from the ground near my bed where I had tossed it carelessly the night before, pausing as I spotted a small white corner peeking from underneath my mattress. I swallowed, flushing guiltily, fully aware of what it was. My chest fluttered with anticipation as I thought about the magazine, photos of Hestia Slitherslope flashing through my mind. I paused, and checked my wristwatch once more, checking to see if I had time to gaze at the magazine, even for a moment.

Deciding I had sufficient time, I tugged on the corner of the magazine, shifting it out from under the heavy mattress. I had done this a few times in the past few days since stealing the magazine, only this time I had a faint idea of why staring at her photo caused my stomach to flip the way it did.

I sat on my bed, gazing at the cover photo that rested in my lap. My gaze traveled over her strong jawline, over her full glossy lips, and over her strong broad shoulders. My stomach lurched as I remembered my dream once more, and I forced myself to look away from the photo, a ball of guilt forming in my throat.

"Pansy? Daphne sent me in here to-" Tracy Davis burst into the room, causing me to jump while simultaneously fling the magazine as far from myself as possible. Tracey paused, squinting her eyes at me suspiciously. I cursed myself, knowing if I had just sat still with the magazine in my lap I would've looked perfectly innocent.

"What were you doing?" She questioned, cocking her head in confusion. I could feel the heat coloring my face as I responded.

"N-nothing." I said, knowing Tracy very well knew I was lying. Tracy's lips folded into a straight line as she stared at me, curious as to what I was hiding. Her gaze then fell onto the magazine I had flung, that was now lying face up on the floor nearby the bathroom door. I cursed myself once again for flinging it. She stepped towards it, picking it up and peering at it, the frown on her face growing deeper.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2021 ⏰

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