Tweet - Ni-Ki

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Tweet - Ni-Ki

You are feeling unmotivated and sad while studying you always check your phone time to time to check if you have any notifications

you tweeeted "im tired helppp" and someone Dmed you "need help?" you replied "yes please" he called younand he teach you after the finishing all of you activities you dmed him before you go to bed "Thank you for helping me goodnight" "no problem" he replied

after that day you always talk to him at least once a day but you're kinda confused he wont give you his name his age that confused you

and one day you both decided to meet you waited for him for like 20 minutes and you finally saw a boy whos looking kinda rush with a mask on "sorry im late" he said while removing his mask "NISHIMURA NIKI?" you cofusedly said

this is so short

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