Chapter 7

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Warmth engulfed Greya as she woke.
She felt.. heavy?

Dismissing the weight as the thick duvet, she made a small whimpering noise, trying to fall back asleep. She had never slept this well before. It was utterly blissful. The last thing she wanted was to open her eyes.

The bed shifted under her. She rubbed her cheek against the pillow, trying to get comfortable again.

The pillow was rather hard.
Her eyelids shot open.

Shit shit shit. SHIT.

Quin's strong arms wrapped around her waist, caging her to his hard chest. Heavy and comfortable.

His fingers making patterns on the skin above the waist band of her underwear.

She was laying almost completely on top of him. Her bare right leg hitched over his torso. The other tangled between his own.

Greya had practically scaled him in her sleep. Her head was nestled in the crook of his neck, lips mere inches from his throat. Chest pressing against his. Greya's hands slung over his shoulders in a loose embrace.
Quin's shoulder length waves tickling her forehead and nose.

She blinked a few times, trying to figure out what to do.

His hands were now running up and down her spine, leaving goosebumps in their trail. Quin was awake.
She braced her forearms on his broad chest and lifted herself off him.

A quiet oomph left her when Quin twisted. His body now hovering directly above hers.

His eyes were back to his startling cerulean blue, but they were shadowing. Rapidly.

He scanned her face. A look of obvious satisfaction crossed his own as he took in her widened eyes and parted lips.

Quin's forearms bracketed her head as he leaned down to her ear. Brushing his lips against it. Once, twice.

"You broke your own rules baby," he mumbled.
His husky morning voice made her want to clench her thighs but she refrianed from giving him the pleasure of seeing how her body reacted to his.

Greya overcame the primal urge to latch herself to him and forced her face into a glower.

"Get off me Quin."

He ignored her, trailing his mouth from her jaw down to her throat.
Only years of controlled breathing kept her from hyperventilating at his proximity.

"I think you deserve a punishment. Hm?"

Greya's heartbeat threatened to speed erratically.

"No?" She breathed.

He licked the pulse jumping in her throat. "I disagree."
Greya shuddered. Quin smiled against her skin.

"We'll discuss it later sweetheart. We have to get going," he murmured.

Pressing another kiss to the hollow of her throat. He backed off her, much to Greya's relief.

A small, insistent part of her wanted to grab him by the collar and straddle him. She ignored it.

He'd won this round.

A dangerous game began the night prior. A game of who would break first. Who'd give in to the heat between them and beg for release.

Quin didn't know what he'd got himself into. She'd have him crawling by the end of it.

Staring at the ceiling and running through her silent mantras, she mastered her breathing and thoughts for the day to come.

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