Part 19 - Still Loves Eachother

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Your mother didn't say anything after what you said so you walked away from the both of them.
You waked towards the orphans saying that you'll be back and then walk towards the far end of the park.
You sit behind a big tree.
Y/N: I'm all alone, now..
Jimin then leans on the tree beside yours, looking at you.
Jimin: You aren't alone.
Y/N: What are you doing here?
Jimin: I came here because you came here.
Y/N: Jimin, I told you to leave me alone. Did you purposely sign your company up in helping the orphans?
Jimin: Maybe..
Y/N: What do you want from me? Just say it so you can leave me alone.
Jimin walks up to you, and kneels infront of you.
Jimin: I want you.
Y/N: What?! No, I can't give you that. And what are you talking about? You're married, Park Jimin.
Jimin: And so what if I am? I don't love Song Hyeri anymore. I love you.
You look at him, speechless.
Y/N: I'm sorry, Jimin. I'm thinking about accepting Ji-youngs' proposal.. We got divorced.. So, you should move on.


For 2 days, Jimin has been ignoring you.
You thought that he meant what he said, but you were wrong.
After another day of hanging out with the orphans you decided to go home to wash up and work on some files for work.
After all that, you hear the door bell ringing so you rush to get it.
You open it and there you see Jimin, drunk.
Y/N: J-Jimin?!
Jimin: I missed you..
He then supports his head on your shoulder, and you of course help him.
Y/N: What are you doing here? You should be going home, not here!
Jimin: This is my home. Here, with you.
He says in a shaky tone.
*God, how much did he drink?!*
He then lays down on the couch.
Y/N: Yah. You can't stay here. Go back home.
Jimin: I'm drunk, I can't drive.
He then grabs your wrist, and pulls you towards him, making you lay down next to him.
Y/N: Jimin.. Let go.
Jimin: I'm tired of this, Y/N. I know you still love me. Stop denying it.
Y/N: I-
Jimin: Shush. Let's just sleep, we haven't slept beside eachother in a long time.


The next day. You wake up and get up from the couch seeing that Jimin wasn't next to you.
You walk towards the kitchen and see him there making breakfast.
Y/N: You didn't leave..
Jimin: Eat breakfast. I'll leave, I know you want me to.
After he prepares breakfast he leaves.
Y/N: I'm sorry, Jimin. You don't know how much I'm hurting. I can't show myself to you anymore, I can't cry to you, talk to you like before, hug you and kiss you. But, I still want you..


You arrive at the park once again for the orphans with of course everyone else participating in this.
After some time, Song Hyeri comes up to you.
Song Hyeri: Y/N. This is your fault. Jimin wants to divorce me. First Taehyung and now Jimin?!
Y/N: Seriously? Heh, You're the one who got me and taehyung divorced. And then you got me and Jimin divorced. What a shame, all you want is money. You don't even care about your son.
Hyeri: Don't talk to me about my son.
Y/N: Alright.
You then walk away from her, not wanting to argue with her today because you felt really tired.
She then grabbed you by the hand but you then fainted.
Everyone rushed up to you including Jimin who took you to the hospital.
After an hour you woke up.
Jimin was sitting in a chair next to you, asleep.
You look at him, mesmorised.
You whisper while caressing his hair: I miss you.. I'll always love you.
You then stop caressing his hair and look out the window but then he grabs your hand.
Jimin: I knew you still loved me. I'll do whatever it takes for us to get back together again.

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