Waking up?

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No ones POV:
Five months of misery for every one.Five whole months of not hearing there beautiful principessas voice.Five months without there light to there darkness.

Everyone watches as everyday a new person lays by her side hoping she opens her beautiful eyes.There all miserable with out her.

The truth is they loose hope as days pass by.Its like time paused and they can't quite seem to unpause without her.

Vince Russo the Italian mafia leader visits his principessa everyday,hoping she wakes up.He misses his princess,her beautiful smile thats contagious .

Matheo visits but he won't lie that he's loosing hope.He fills himself with paperwork at work .
He misses everything about his little sister.Her laugh that filled the once now empty house.

Gabriel lost his cherry self ,works all the time to distract himself from thinking of her beautiful honey colored eyes,how much he misses his little princess.

Marcos slowly is loosing his mind ,he needs his princess to wake up.Everyone in the house is miserable without her,her presence is missed by everyone.He visits her all the time,he holds her tightly hoping one day she wakes up to clutch him tightly.

Romano visits all the time,he talks to her all the time.He tell her how much he misses her and how much everyone needs her.He has the most hope in the family.

Esteban has been miserable since he hasn't seen her beautiful honey colored eyes.He misses his twin ,how much she loved to cuddle.Her contagious smile that could brighten up your mood.Her presence is missed by him ,he hopes that she wakes up soon.

Lucas is with Elanora 24/7 ,doesn't leave her side .Always holds her hoping she'd  wake up
.He sleeps holding her tightly scared she'll leave him ,he misses everything about her ,her beautiful face and eyes. Her heart that's made of gold and kindness.

Maurizio is by her side all the time,he holds her at night as he tells her about there future together.He tells her that he can't wait till she gets pregnant,Ohh how beautiful her baby bump would look.How much he misses her ,how much he needs her by his side.He hopes she opens her beautiful eyes soon.

Everyone waits patiently for her to wake up.

One day as it was Lucas day to watch her he feels movement beside him,at first he thought it was his imagination but he gasps as he feels her velvety touch again.He turns around to see beautiful vibrant eyes looking directly at him.

"El..Elanora"Lucas mutters surprised as he stares at the beautiful honey colored eyes .

He grabs her gently as he clutches her tightly.He smiles as he slowly strokes her cheek,he kisses her forehead softly as he pulls the covers off sprinting towards the door.

"She's awake"he mutters excitedly to the nurse who eyes widen.He looks back seeing Elanora smile softly.He watches as the doctor runs to the door,he stares wide eyed at Elanora who smiles softly.

"Ohh wow"the doctor stutters nervously at Elanora.

Maurizio walks in the hospital pressing floor 5 to the elevator.He waits patiently for the doors to open,he freezes in his spot when he sees doctors and nurses in Elanoras room.His anxiety spikes as he thinks the worst.He runs to the room only for the air to be kicked out of him,he watches as beautiful honey colored eyes shone with love direct to his green eyes.

Elanora smiles brightly as she watches Maurizio stand in disbelief.She smiles finally being able to see her family,she heard them all talk about her.This shows how much they love her.How much they love me.

Maurizio runs as he freezes for a moment,he tugs Elanora gently towards him.He smiles as he feels her touch that makes his insides flutter.

"I love you Elanora"he whispers softly as he gently pulls away from her arms,she pulls him closer to her by the neck.He enjoys himself in her tight hold.

Vince was in his office when they call him from the hospital,he saddens as the thought of her leaving breaks his insides.


"Sir your daughter has woken up"she mutters making Vince let a heavy sigh of relief hearing his baby girls awake.

"Thank you thanks"he says hanging up

He walks out of his office sprinting to his sons,he finds Gabriel cooking in the kitchen.

"She's awake ,She's awake" Vince says happily watching as Gabriel's  cup falls to the ground.His eyes widen in surprise and excitement.

Everyone walks downstairs as they hear a cup fall.

"What's wrong"mutters a sleepy Marcos

"Elanora shes—-papa says ,perking everybody's attention,they anxiously wait for him to continue.

"What papa"

"Say it"

"Don't say it is she.."they nervously all say scared to know what hes about to say.

There scared she might be dead or gone.

"She's awake,she woke up"papa says smiling widely,everyone smiles softly as they all feel a heavy weight be lifted off there shoulders .They all run to the garage getting ready to leave for the hospital.

They all feel the nerves ,as they finally get to there princess Elanora.They finally after five months get to see her beautiful eyes and face.

They all impatiently wait for the car to drive faster.

They finally arrive when the big building comes into view.They all get off hurriedly sprinting to the main door entrance,they run to the elevator picking floor five.


They run to Elanoras room as the elevator doors open.They all let a sigh of relief when they see her all cuddled up with Maurizio.

"Papa"she mutters seeing her papa,Vince insides melt hearing his little princesses voice.He walks to her slowly bringing her to his embrace,she sits on her dads lap crying as she missed all her family and siblings.

"We missed you princess"everyone mutters as they all group hug.

They spend that night catching up like old times.They all let a sigh of relief when they see or hear her contagious laugh and smile.

At the end she was our flor that re-bloomed our family together.

Enjoy 😊
This might or might not be the end🤭
Do you guys want a sequel?
Also if there is a sequel you all will have to wait because I have two new books I'm working on.
Let me know your guys opinion

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